Monday, July 25, 2011

KENYATAAN MEDIA YB ABDUL MALIK KASSIM - Kerajaan PR P.Pinang membela semua kaum


25 Julai 2011

Kerajaan Negeri Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang Membela Semua Kaum,

Tidak Pinggirkan India Muslim

Selain memperkenal dan mengamalkan urustadbir Cekap, Akauntabiliti dan Telus (CAT), Kerajaan Negeri Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang terus mendokong prinsip pentadbiran kerajaan berjiwa rakyat, adil kepada semua kaum.

Demi rakyat – inilah yang membezakan pentadbiran Kerajaan Negeri Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang yang baru berusia 3 tahun berbanding kerajaan negeri terdahulu yang mengutamakan kroni dan suku sakat sejak lebih 50 tahun. Sebab itu tidak menghairankan, apabila wujud kaum dan kelompok tertentu terus terpinggir.
Biarpun media yang dikuasai Umno Barisan Nasional sentiasa mengelapkan kejayaan demi kejayaan kerajaan negeri, namun hakikatnya rakyat Pulau Pinang khususnya, dapat mengecapi kejayaan dan menghadam manfaat ini bersama-sama.

Kenyataan Presiden KIMMA Kebangsaan, Senator Datuk Syed Ibrahim Kader dalam akhbar Sinar Harian bertarikh 25 Julai 2011, yang kononnya masyarakat India Muslim Pulau Pinang terpinggir, hanyalah contoh sikap pemimpin hasil didikan Umno Barisan Nasional. Jika benar apa yang dikatakan, maknanya beliau mengiakan apa yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan terdahulu.

Saya percaya di dalam lubuk hatinya, beliau melihat hakikat bahawa di bawah kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang, baik masyarakat India Muslim mahupun mana-mana kaum terus diberi perhatian tanpa diskriminasi.

Saya ingin menasihati Syed Ibrahim, usahlah bersikap mengampu dan membodek dek terhutang budi kerana dilantik sebagai Senator. Janganlah sanggup mengadai prinsip dan maruah diri dengan cuba memporakperandakan keharmonian masyarakat India Muslim di sini.
Hakikatnya sejak 2008, kerajaan negeri memberikan perhatian dan prioriti kepada India Muslim, jauh sekali untuk meminggirkan mereka.

Kerajaan Negeri sentiasa komited memberikan sokongan dan bantuan kepada mana-mana pihak yang memerlukan, termasuk golongan India Muslim yang banyak melibatkan diri dalam Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO). Pemimpin kerajaan negeri sentiasa turun padang bersama komuniti India Muslim dan memberikan sokongan kepada mereka.

Selaku Exco Kerajaan negeri saya kerap bertemu dan berbincang baik secara rasmi, mahupun tidak rasmi dengan masyarakat India Muslim. Berbincang dalam pelbagai perkara, baik yang besar mahupun kecil, berkaitan isu agama, masjid dan surau hatta tanah wakaf.
Malah saya sentiasa cuba memenuhi undangan daripada masyarakat India Muslim, meskipun kadang-kadang saya menerima notis jemputan dalam masa singkat.

Program yang diperkenalkan oleh kerajaan negeri, iaitu “Penang World Heritage Celebration” hanyalah sebahagian bukti usaha kerajaan negeri melibatkan masyarakat India Muslim secara langsung dalam memacu kejayaan negeri ini. Masyarakat India Muslim turut menerima manfaat daripada program ini, dan hakikat ini tidak boleh dinafikan oleh Presiden KIMMA.

Begitu juga dengan usaha Majlis Agama Islam Pulau Pinang (MAINPP) yang sentiasa memberi perhatian khusus kepada masalah yang dibangkitkan dan dihadapi oleh komuniti India Muslim.

Malah, kerajaan negeri telah mengadakan banyak pertemuan dan perbincangan dan sentiasa membuka pintu rundingan untuk mendengar pandangan daripada komuniti India Muslim. Hasil pertemuan dan perbincangan tersebut banyak masalah sejak zaman kerajaan terdahulu dapat dirungkai. Hanya segelintir kecil komuniti itu yang berlagak hero menggunakan media memburukkan kerajaan negeri. Golongan itu cuba mencipta isu yang bukan isu sebenarnya.

Perlu saya tegaskan, sebagai sebuah kerajaan berjiwa rakyat, adil kepada semua kaum, demi rakyat -kerajaan negeri sentiasa komited membantu mana-mana pihak tanpa mengira bangsa, agama mahupun fahaman politik.

Pada kesempatan ini, saya mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih atas kehadiran pada sidang hari ini dan mengalu-alukan sokongan aktivis agama masyarakat India Muslim Datuk Thasleem Mohamed Ibrahim, aktivis masyarakat India Muslim Shahul Hamed, Persatuan Muslim Tanjung Nasir Mohidin dan para pengusaha Nasi Kandar Pulau Pinang.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kenyataan Media Chow Kon Yeow mengenai Projek Vista Mutiara

Kenyataan Media Oleh Pengerusi DAP Pulau Pinang Dan
Ahli Exco Kerajaan Tempatan Dan Pengurusan Lalu Lintas Chow Kon Yeow
Selepas Melawat Projek Perumahan Vista Mutiara Di Jalan Jelutong, Pulau Pinang

Pada 19 Julai 2011

Dakwaan SPNB Bahawa Kerajaan PR Sengaja Ubah Syarat
Untuk Lengah CF Adalah Tidak Berasas.

Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad (SPNB) mendakwa bahawa Kerajaan PR sengaja ubah syarat untuk lengah CF adalah tidak berasas.

Saya telah mengarah Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang (MPPP) dan Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai (MPSP) untuk menyiasat dakwaan tersebut dan mendapati ianya merupakan tohmahan sahaja.
MPSP telah melaporkan bahawa ia tidak mengenakan sebarang syarat tambahan yang baru semasa CF dipohon. Permohonan diproses mengikut syarat yang telah diluluskan dalam Pelan Bangunan.
Pada masa kini, MPSP sedang memproses permohonan CF daripada SPNB untuk 1 blok rumah pangsa kos rendah 4 tingkat (82 unit) di Taman Sejahtera Indah, Telok Ayer Tawar dan permohonan tersebut diterima pada 29 Jun 2011.

MPPP perlu melaporkan bahawa projek rumah pangsa kos sederhana rendah 27 tingkat (404 unit) Vista Mutiara di Jelutong baru mengemukakan permohonan CF pada 16 Jun 2011. Walau bagaimanapun dua syarat didapati belum dipatuhi iaitu penyerahan tanah tapak penjaja kepada MPPP dan syarat penamaan jalan.

Pada 14 Julai pemaju mengemukakan permohonan kali kedua dan jika semua syarat dipatuhi, CF dijangka boleh dikeluarkan dalam masa yang terdekat.
SPNB seharusnya menunjukkan bukti bahawa PBT sengaja ubah syarat untuk melengah CF.
Pada lazimnya CF tidak dapat dikeluarkan kerana kegagalan pemaju memenuhi syarat syarat.
Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang mengalu-alukan pihak pemaju sama ada dari sektor swasta dan awam untuk memajukan projek perumahan mampu milik.
PBT diarahkan untuk memudahkan proses permohonan supaya matlamat menyediakan rumah mampu milik boleh dicapai.

Lebih baik bagi SPNB merunding dengan PBT untuk menangani masalah teknikal daripada membuat tuduhan yang berasas di surat khabar.

Press Statement by Chow Kon Yeow: Response to MP’s call for halt in Balik Pulau projects

Press Statement: Response to MP’s call for halt in Balik Pulau projects

Jul 19, 2011

I refer to Balik Pulau MP Yusmadi Yusoff’s comments, published in yesterday, calling for a blanket halt on all development projects in his constituency.
The state government cannot arbitrarily halt projects that have been approved unless they are found to violate the conditions set on its approval. Stop-work orders can be issued in the event projects do not comply with the many conditions such projects need to adhere to. These conditions include environmental, traffic, as well as social impact concerns. In this regard, I welcome MP Yusmadi’s concern for Balik Pulau and await his official input on the matter.
Indeed, the State Government refers project applications to local representatives for their comments before approvals are decided upon. We have rejected applications before, especially those involving hill slope development and active agricultural land. As for squatters, ‘resettlement’ is also a condition of approval.

The Penang State Government reiterates its commitment to be a people-friendly government that practices good governance. We welcome constructive ideas from all quarters for the holistic and sustainable building of a better tomorrow.

Chow Kon Yeow
Penang State Exco Member
(Local Government and Traffic Management)

Kenyataan Media Chow Kon Yeow, Isu Penswastaan Sisa Pepejal

Kenyataan Media

Isu Penswastaan Sisa Pepejal Negeri Pulau Pinang

Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang baru-baru ini menerima surat daripada Datuk Ahmad bin Haji Kabit, Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan bertarikh 8hb Julai 2011 mengesahkan bahawa Kerajaan Pusat telah memberi kelulusan kepada Negeri Pulau Pinang dan Selangor supaya kecualikan daripada penguatkuasaan Akta Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Pembersihan Awam 2007 yang akan dikuatkuasa mulai 1hb September 2011.

Perkara ini juga mendapat mengesahan daripada jawapan Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan kepada YAB Lim Guan Eng, merangkap Ahli Dewan Rakyat Bagan di dalam Dewan Rakyat pada 28hb Jun 2011.

Ini bermakna, Kerajaan Negeri telah berjaya menolak penerimaan penswastaan pengurusan sisa pepejal dan pembersihan awam di bawah Akta Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Pembersihan Awam 2007. Oleh yang demikian, semua tanggungjawab berhubung dengan pengurusan sisa pepejal dan pembersihan awam akan dipikul oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan Pulau Pinang. Kos-kos pengurusan sisa pepejal dan pembersihan awam juga akan ditanggung oleh Kerajaan Negeri dan PBT Pulau Pinang tanpa bantuan daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan.

Dalam hal ini, isu permohonan lesen di bawah Akta 672 juga tidak timbul dan pihak operator perkhidmatan pengurusan sisa pepejal dan pembersihan awam di Negeri Pulau Pinang tidak perlu membuat permohonan lesen kepada Jabatan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal Negara.

Walaubagaimanapun, PBT Pulau Pinang sudi mematuhi KPI yang ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan supaya dapat melaksanakan kerja-kerja pengurusan sisa pepejal dan pembersihan awam dengan baik.

Chow Kon Yeow

Monday, July 18, 2011

709: A Penangite relates his story

Yeap Ban Choon, a businessman from Penang and an avid Facebook user relates his experience as a demonstrator during the Bersih march on 9 July 2011. Bersih is a coaliation of NGOs demanding free and fair elections. The ruling government outlawed the Bersih movement together with its yellow T-shirts and other related materials, and severely clamped down on Bersih supporters.

Even the media was not spared. Four Chinese dailies were called up by the government for publishing articles that were described as "uncomfortable" to the ruling party although the authorities claimed that they were just regular meetings.

Currently, six members of Parti Socialis Malaysia (PSM) are still detained under the Emergency Ordinance (EO), which is detention of up to 60 days without trial for purportedly supporting the Bersih movement.

Bersih 2.0 is also dubbed as "709".

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jenice Lee: We march together

Jenice Lee, ADUN for Teratai was spotted among the crowd of Bersih protesters on 9 July 2011, outside of Tung Shin hospital at around 3:30 p.m. This interview was conducted just moments before the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) fired tear gas and water cannons to disperse the crowd. Most of the protesters ran inside Tung Shin Hospital the second time. However, this time the police charged into the hospital grounds to arrest the peaceful demonstrators.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sever ties with PAS, Gerakan tells DAP

Sever ties with PAS, DAP told

Press Statement by Gerakan Vice-President and Penang Gerakan Chief Dato’ Dr Teng Hock Nan

July 14, 2011

Gerakan vice-president Dato’ Dr Teng Hock Nan today challenged DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng to have the guts to sever ties with PAS, now that PAS has been persistently pursuing its intention to establish an Islamic state of government in Kedah.

Dr Teng said that Lim and DAP should stop bluffing and misleading the people that PAS would discard its intention of establishing an Islamic state of government in Malaysia.

“Stop promising the people that they should not worry and should support Pakatan Rakyat to take over the federal government in the next general elections and that PAS has given up its intention. PAS has no such intention and in fact is using its power in Kedah and Kelantan to vigorously implement policies which encroach into the rights and freedom of other Malaysians who are not of Muslim faith,” said Dr Teng in a statement.

Dr Teng was commenting on PAS Kedah government decision to ban entertainment outlets in Kedah from operating during fasting month.

Dr Teng, who is also Penang Gerakan chief, said DAP had directly or indirectly been responsible for helping PAS to take power in the Kedah state government, especially when the DAP had campaigned for non-Muslim votes for PAS candidates in the 2008 General Elections and in all the subsequent by-elections.

Dr Teng said it was obvious and crystal-clear that PAS is slowly, surely, consistently and persistently working towards establishing an Islamic state of government in Malaysia.

Slamming PAS over its latest move, he said Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak has been making strenuous efforts in Kedah to realize PAS’ objective.

Dr Teng recalled that the DAP had in the 1990s severed ties with PAS over disagreement with PAS’ Islamic state policy. “What more, we can still remember DAP chairman Karpal Singh’s expletive “Over My Dead Body” when he vehemently objected against PAS’ Islamic state policy.

The Kedah State government had decided that entertainment outlets, including karaoke centers and discotheques will not be allowed to operate during Ramadan in Kedah.

Live-band performances with singers at bars, hotels, restaurants and eating outlets and areas with easy access by the public are also not allowed to open.

The decision has drawn objections from several quarters.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

709: Septuagenarian champions Bersih 2.0 (Mandarin)

A 70 year-old lady travelled all the way from Kuantan to participate in
Bersih 2.0. Interview by Tan Ewe Keat from Penang.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Press Statement: On Bersih 2.0 by Chow Kon Yeow

YB Chow Kon Yeow
Pej. Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan
Tingkat 52, KOMTAR
10503 Pulau Pinang.
Tel: 04-2619888

Press Statement: On Bersih 2.0

Jul 11, 2011

I view with great concern the rising state of repression in our country. With regards to Saturday’s (Jul 9, 2011) Bersih rally in the nation’s capital city of Kuala Lumpur, it is impossible to ignore the violent actions of the Royal Malaysian Police in acting against peaceful protesters. Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak’s comments today that “Police had used minimum force and there was no actual physical contact” is an outright lie, which is contradicted by the abundant availability of photographs and video clips documenting the blatant opposite of his imagined claims.

PM Najib’s dishonest assessment of Saturday’s events is propped up by a wall of silence from his approving coalition partners, who – unless they speak up strongly and immediately – collectively sanction the use of chemical weapons against unarmed Malaysians. This is particularly agonising given the fact that one man has died as a result of this violence. Further denials by the Police that they “did not lay a finger” on the late Baharuddin Ahmad ring hollow especially as they also unabashedly denied attacking Tung Shin Hospital on Jalan Pudu when protesters were forced to seek refuge from the choking and stinging effects of inhaling 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile (a.k.a. CS gas). Instead of issuing mere denials, Home Affairs Minister Dato’ Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein and IGP Tan Sri Ismail Omar must confront the hard evidence that their men fired numerous volleys of tear cas canisters as well as sprayed chemical-laced water into hospital grounds – where protesters were trapped without any safe dispersal route available – thereby creating havoc and risking the wellbeing of patients in the hospital. This rabid and irresponsible action by the Police is uncalled for and I demand Minister Hishamuddin and IGP Ismail be held accountable.

I need to voice concern, too, with the Police’s violent handling of Bersih 2 and Pakatan leaders. Reportedly, Parliamentary Opposition Leader Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim sustained injuries to his head and knee and had to be hospitalised as a precaution. His bodyguard was less fortunate, taking a direct hit to the face from a tear gas canister and required surgery to repair damage to his face. The deliberate firing of a dangerous projectile into the crowd or aiming it at particular persons is a criminal act. I understand the Police have a role to play in dispersing a crowd that has turned rowdy or violent. However, the act of firing canisters at peaceful people directly is criminally motivated, hence utterly disparages Malaysia’s image as a democratic nation.

The immediate step PM Najib Razak needs to take is to recognise the sheer amount of discontentment with his government’s continued lack of commitment for free and fair elections. If it is true, as it is reported, that he isn’t “afraid” of fair elections, it is time to take Bersih’s demands seriously and reform our electoral system. As for Home Affairs Minister Hishamuddin Hussein, he has to take full responsibility over Police brutality, the usage of chemical weapons in enclosed areas and a hospital, the city-wide lock down, the massive network of road blocks, as well as intimidation against peaceful rally-goers. I also demand the release of the six PSM activists, including my colleague in Parliament Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, who are still detained under the Emergency Ordinance. As the detention order was justified on belief that the PSM six intend to participate in the Bersih rally, I call upon the Police to release them immediately since July 9 is already a matter of history and it is no longer humanly possible for them to travel back to that date.

Saturday’s Bersih rally, which saw tens of thousands of Malaysians defying the government clampdown and rise up to voice their collective concern for free and fair elections, is a clear indication of the rakyat’s ability to join hands across the imagined boundaries of ethnicity and religion – boundaries which have been used by UMNO-BN to divide and rule this country for so long. Also encouraging is the fact that Malaysians and their friends from all over the world gathered in various cities globally to lend support for Bersih’s cause. This is patriotism at the highest level. There is reason for all Malaysians to have hope for genuine multiracial politics in this country instead of suffering under the continued ethnocracy of UMNO-BN. And for that to happen, the rakyat must remember that, despite all odds, the 9th of July was the peoples’ victorious celebration of democracy in Malaysia.

Hidup Rakyat!

Chow Kon Yeow
Member of Parliament, Tanjong.
Penang State Exco Member and State Assemblyperson, Padang Kota.
Penang DAP State Chairman.

Press Statement: On Bersih 2.0 by Chow Kon Yeow

YB Chow Kon Yeow
Pej. Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan
Tingkat 52, KOMTAR
10503 Pulau Pinang.
Tel: 04-2619888

Press Statement: On Bersih 2.0

Jul 11, 2011

I view with great concern the rising state of repression in our country. With regards to Saturday’s (Jul 9, 2011) Bersih rally in the nation’s capital city of Kuala Lumpur, it is impossible to ignore the violent actions of the Royal Malaysian Police in acting against peaceful protesters. Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak’s comments today that “Police had used minimum force and there was no actual physical contact” is an outright lie, which is contradicted by the abundant availability of photographs and video clips documenting the blatant opposite of his imagined claims.
PM Najib’s dishonest assessment of Saturday’s events is propped up by a wall of silence from his approving coalition partners, who – unless they speak up strongly and immediately – collectively sanction the use of chemical weapons against unarmed Malaysians. This is particularly agonising given the fact that one man has died as a result of this violence. Further denials by the Police that they “did not lay a finger” on the late Baharuddin Ahmad ring hollow especially as they also unabashedly denied attacking Tung Shin Hospital on Jalan Pudu when protesters were forced to seek refuge from the choking and stinging effects of inhaling 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile (a.k.a. CS gas). Instead of issuing mere denials, Home Affairs Minister Dato’ Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein and IGP Tan Sri Ismail Omar must confront the hard evidence that their men fired numerous volleys of tear cas canisters as well as sprayed chemical-laced water into hospital grounds – where protesters were trapped without any safe dispersal route available – thereby creating havoc and risking the wellbeing of patients in the hospital. This rabid and irresponsible action by the Police is uncalled for and I demand Minister Hishamuddin and IGP Ismail be held accountable.
I need to voice concern, too, with the Police’s violent handling of Bersih 2 and Pakatan leaders. Reportedly, Parliamentary Opposition Leader Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim sustained injuries to his head and knee and had to be hospitalised as a precaution. His bodyguard was less fortunate, taking a direct hit to the face from a tear gas canister and required surgery to repair damage to his face. The deliberate firing of a dangerous projectile into the crowd or aiming it at particular persons is a criminal act. I understand the Police have a role to play in dispersing a crowd that has turned rowdy or violent. However, the act of firing canisters at peaceful people directly is criminally motivated, hence utterly disparages Malaysia’s image as a democratic nation.
The immediate step PM Najib Razak needs to take is to recognise the sheer amount of discontentment with his government’s continued lack of commitment for free and fair elections. If it is true, as it is reported, that he isn’t “afraid” of fair elections, it is time to take Bersih’s demands seriously and reform our electoral system. As for Home Affairs Minister Hishamuddin Hussein, he has to take full responsibility over Police brutality, the usage of chemical weapons in enclosed areas and a hospital, the city-wide lock down, the massive network of road blocks, as well as intimidation against peaceful rally-goers. I also demand the release of the six PSM activists, including my colleague in Parliament Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, who are still detained under the Emergency Ordinance. As the detention order was justified on belief that the PSM six intend to participate in the Bersih rally, I call upon the Police to release them immediately since July 9 is already a matter of history and it is no longer humanly possible for them to travel back to that date.
Saturday’s Bersih rally, which saw tens of thousands of Malaysians defying the government clampdown and rise up to voice their collective concern for free and fair elections, is a clear indication of the rakyat’s ability to join hands across the imagined boundaries of ethnicity and religion – boundaries which have been used by UMNO-BN to divide and rule this country for so long. Also encouraging is the fact that Malaysians and their friends from all over the world gathered in various cities globally to lend support for Bersih’s cause. This is patriotism at the highest level. There is reason for all Malaysians to have hope for genuine multiracial politics in this country instead of suffering under the continued ethnocracy of UMNO-BN. And for that to happen, the rakyat must remember that, despite all odds, the 9th of July was the peoples’ victorious celebration of democracy in Malaysia.

Hidup Rakyat!

Chow Kon Yeow
Member of Parliament, Tanjong.
Penang State Exco Member and State Assemblyperson, Padang Kota.
Penang DAP State Chairman.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Press Release from LA on Bersih 2.0

BERSIH 2.0 Rally in Los Angeles CA, USA

Los Angeles, July 9 - Amid intimidating arrests and brutal assaults by the police during the BERSIH 2.0 rally in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysians from all ages, races and backgrounds, together with some foreigners supporting our cause, stood united and marched peacefully in the heart of Los Angeles downtown in support of free and fair elections in Malaysia.

A total of 85 attendees, dressed in yellow, gathered at Pershing Square in Los Angeles downtown. They carried self-made banners, posters and placards to express their dissents and frustrations. Organiser, James Cheng gave a brief introduction about the rally, why it was organised, and briefed about the police brutality against protesters in the BERSIH rally in Malaysia on the same day. The crowd then started the peaceful march toward the Consulate General of Malaysia. As the office was closed, the crowd, led by organisers Caterine Chang and Phebie Thum, read aloud the memorandum and the 8 electoral reform demands.

The crowd then marched towards the Los Angeles City Hall, while chanting the slogans "Bersih", "Hidup Rakyat", and "Reformasi". Cars and pedestrians passing by sounded their car horns and cheered to show their support.

When they arrived at the City Hall compound, the protesters observed a minute of silence to show respect to their Malaysian counterparts, who fought rain, assaults and risk of arrest to march for their freedom of speech and demand for clean elections. At 1pm, the crowd ended the rally by singing Negaraku, the national anthem of Malaysia.

By James Cheng

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

KMPP mengesa PDRM menahan Umi Hafilda atas mengtalkinkan Anwar

President Kongress Melayu Pulau Pinang, Rahmad Isahak mengesa agar PDRM mengambil keterangan Umi Hafilda serta menahannya berasaskan kenyataanya yang merupakan satu ugutan serta ancaman keatas Anwar Ibrahim dan Wan Azizah.

Kembalikan kuasa kepada rakyat

Rahmad Isahak, president of Kongress Melayu Pulau Pinang (KMPP) calls for the PM to dissolve parliament.

Monday, July 4, 2011




KMPP mengencam tindakan Mohamed Ezam Mohamed Noor yang menjadi dalang utama dalam demonstrasi.

Seperti mana yang dilaporkan oleh beberapa media cetak dan elektronik tempatan di mana Dato Musa Shaikh Fadzir yang juga Timbalan Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Pulau Pinang dan merangkap Ketua UMNO Bahagian Bukit Mertajam telah mengkritik secara terbuka Pentadbiran UDA Holdings Berhad yang kononnya akan melantik kontraktor dari luar Negara serta mengabaikan kontraktor tempatan untuk memajukan projek gergasi iaitu Bukit Bintang City Centre (BBCC) yang mana dianggarkan melebihi 6 billion Ringgit. Beliau juga mensarankan supaya operasi UDA Holdings Berhad ditutup. Akibat daripada kenyataan beliau ini telah menyebabkan hampir 1,400 orang kakitangan Syarikat milik kerajaan pusat ini berada di dalam situasi panik. Pihak KMPP memandang serius kenyataan beliau. Jangan pandai membuat andaian tanpa usul periksa kerana Pengerusinya Dato Nur Jazlan telah mengesahkan bahawa pengumuman rasmi hanya akan dibuat oleh Kerajaan dalam sedikit masa lagi. Pihak KMPP hairan apakah motif sebenarnya yang tersirat terhadap kritikan beliau.

Pihak KMPP ingin menasihatkan beliau supaya lebih fokus kepada masalah ekonomi orang–orang Melayu terutamanya dikawasan Bukit Mertajam dimana beliau adalah Ketua bahagiannya. Jangan hanya nampak kuman diseberang laut tapi hakikatnya anak dirumah mati kebuluran. Orang melayu Pulau Pinang masih tidak lupa suatu ketika dahulu semasa era pemerintahan Barisan Nasional di Pulau Pinang, siapakah yang berhasrat memajukan tanah pertanian di Relau disebelah Pulau, walaupun mengetahui tanah pertanian tersebut adalah milik Kerajaan Pusat. Nasib baik pembangunan tersebut dibatalkan. Jika tidak berapa banyakkah faedah orang-orang Melayu yang akan mendapat faedah keatas pembangunan tersebut? Siapakah yang pernah mencadangkan agar jawatan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang diberikan kepada Orang Melayu dan beliau jugalah yang pernah mencadangkan supaya jawatan pengerusi PBA diberikan kepada pemimpin Melayu. Apakah asas serta cadangan beliau menguntungkan orang-orang Melayu pada ketika itu? Kenapa cadangan beliau ini diutarakan? Sudah pasti ada agenda yang tersembunyi disebalik cadangan beliau pada ketika itu.

Seterusnya pihak KMPP amat memandang serius keatas nasib pemilik-pemilik gerai di BAZAR PERDANA DI BANDAR PERDA, BUKIT MERTAJAM. Beliau adalah salah seorang pemilik syarikat pemaju yang terlibat didalam memajukan Bandar Perda tersebut. Bazar Perdana yang dimaksudkan mempunyai lebih daripada 300 unit dan difahamkan dijual diantara RM15,000.00 ke RM20,000.00 seunit. Diantara penjanjian terawal ditandatangani adalah semenjak tahun 1998. Difahamkan sijil penghunian diperolehi semenjak tahun 2003 lagi. Semua unit-unit telah habis dijual dimana lebih 80% pembelinya adalah orang-orang melayu yang mempercayai pelan asal pembangunan pemaju di Bandar Perda dilengkapi pasar besar Bukit Mertajam serta perhentian bas yang akan dipindahkan ke Bandar Perda. Malangnya tanah bagi memindahkan kemudahan pasar serta perhentian bas telah dibangunkan Pasaraya Jusco. Maka dengan itu, bermulalah kegagalan Bazaar Perdana untuk berfungsi seperti pelan asal pemaju. Kini bangunan Bazaar Perdana tersebut hanyalah sebuah bangunan gajah putih yang tersergam indah tanpa penghuni. Dari tinjauan pihak KMPP, banyak rungutan daripada pihak pembeli mengatakan bahawa mereka telah ditipu oleh pihak pemaju. Paling menyedihkan, terdapat beberapa unit milik pembeli kepunyaan orang melayu telah dilelong oleh pihak bank kerana tidak mampu membayar pinjaman akibat kegagalan pihak pemaju mengawalselia Bazar Perdana berkenaan.

Hakikatnya pihak pemaju yang di terajui oleh Dato’ Musa sendiri telah gagal untuk menguruskan bazaar tersebut dan pihak KMPP dimaklumkan bahawa tiada hakmilik strata yang dikeluarkan sehingga kini. Akibat daripada kecuaian tersebut sekarang ini pemilik-pemilik bazaar berkenaan menanggung kerugian dari segi ekonomi yang berpanjangan. Pemaju haruslah di pertanggung jawabkan sepenuhnya kerana gagal menguruskan bazaar berkenaan. Pemaju telah mengaut keuntungan tapi yang menanggung kerugian adalah majoritinya orang-orang melayu. Jangan jadi seorang pemimpin melayu yang hipokrit dan pihak KMPP mendesak agar pihak beliau supaya dapat mengatasi masalah yang berlarutan hampir 9 tahun ini diselesaikan dalam tempoh 30 hari. Jika gagal, atas nama ekonomi orang-orang melayu, pihak KMPP akan bertindak mengikut saluran-saluran tertentu dengan niat untuk menghidupkan kembali aktiviti-aktiviti perniagaan di bazaar tersebut. Ini termasuk juga kemungkinan mengambil tindakan undang-undang bagi mendapatkan gantirugi kepada pemilik-pemilik berkenaan berasaskan kepada terma dan syarat perjanjian jualbeli terutamanya melibatkan kecuaian pihak pemaju. Pada waktu yang sama pihak KMPP berharap agar pemilik bazaar berkenaan dapat menubuhkan satu Jawatankuasa Bertindak Pembeli bagi tujuan memudahkan masalah mereka disuarakan.

Pihak KMPP akan memberi kerjasama jika diperlukan. Sekali lagi ditegaskan bahawa KMPP tidak akan berkompromi dengan mana-mana pihak, termasuk Kerajaan negeri atau kerajaan pusat mahupun parti-parti politik atas isu kegagalan menangani masalah ekonomi orang-orang melayu di Pulau Pinang.

Jangan memperalatkan orang-orang melayu Pulau Pinang untuk meraih publisiti murahan. KMPP akan terus membongkar semua penyelewengan yang melibatkan ekonomi orang-orang Melayu yang tidak diperjuangkan selama ini. Ramai orang melayu yang bukan asalnya daripada Pulau Pinang mendabik dada mengaku diri mereka anak Pulau Pinang, tetapi hakikatnya mereka adalah opurtunis yang lebih mementingkan diri mereka dan kuncu-kuncu mereka sahaja.

Mereka menuntut bantuan dan projek dari pihak atasan, Kerajaan Negeri atau Kerajaan Pusat kononnya untuk menolong orang melayu Pulau Pinang. Sebenarnya projek dan bantuan tersebut adalah ditelan segelintir melayu yang menggunakan nama melayu Pulau Pinang. Pihak Kerajaan Negeri dan Kerajaan Pusat patut berhati-hati apabila ingin membantu Melayu Pulau Pinang kerana hakikatnya mereka ini opurtunis yang merugikan bangsa Melayu.

Akhir sekali pihak KMPP menasihatkan Dato Musa Shaikh Fadzil supaya melepaskan kesemua jawatannya di dalam UMNO Pulau Pinang kerana beliau telah gagal dalam banyak hal terutamanya di dalam membantu ekonomi untuk orang-orang melayu di Bukit Mertajam dan Pulau Pinang amnya.


PRESIDEN, (019-4728509)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Press Conference by Penang Gerakan Vice-Chairman Ong Thean Lye

Press Conference by Penang Gerakan Vice-Chairman Ong Thean Lye

Penang Gerakan condemns the series of political violence and barbaric political activities currently taking place in the country.

We detest such a political campaign which intimidates the people, threatens their safety, cause
hardship and loss of income. We are strongly against such uncivilized violent acts which do not bode well for Malaysian politics.

Any issue, whether national, state or political, can be resolved through peaceful and lawful means. Barbaric and violent acts will only bring instability.

We urge the police to intensify their investigation so that the culprits involved will face the justice of law. The police should also increase their vigilance to prevent similar incidents from repeating.

We refer to the following incidents that took place in the past few days.

Splashing of green paint at the roller shutter at the service centre of Ng Wei Aik (Komtar
Posters defaming Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng;
Splashing of green paint at the house of Chong Eng, MP for Bukit Mertajam;
Splashing of yellow paint at Umno Cheras and Bandar Tun Razak branch premises;
Disrupting and harassing a civil society group from submitting a memorandum to the police
seeking the immediate release of 30 PSM members outside the police headquarters in
Penang Road.

During the press conference, all the Penang Gerakan leaders present wore purple ribbon. Purple
ribbon symbolizes anti-violence. This is a campaign launched by Penang Gerakan on July 15, 2009, to protest against political violence and threats.

Together with Ong Thean Lye in the press conference are Dr Lim Boon Han (vice-chairman), Goh
Kheng Sneah (secretary), Ng Siew Lai (wanita chief), Oh Tong Keong (youth chief), Dr Thor Teong Gee (Publicity, Information and Communication Bureau Chief) and Teoh Hang Chong (Coordinator for Air Itam).