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Showing posts with the label Democracy

Two term tenure for CM a good proposal

Letter by Carolyn Khor, Assistant to YB Teh Yee Cheu and Communications Chief for Wanita Keadilan dated 4 April 2016 The Speaker of the State Assembly wields great powers bestowed upon him through the state constitution which governs the house. The approval or rejection of a motion lies, ultimately, in the hands of the Speaker, who decides whether or not the matter reaches the State Assembly for debate during sittings. Last week, YB Teh Yee Cheu, the state assemblyman for Tanjong Bunga submitted a motion to the Speaker’s office and the State Secretariat’s office to limit the Chief Minister’s tenure to two terms, each being not more than 5 years. He reiterated that he was submitting the motion due to public interest and is ready to face consequences from his party, if any. He also cited Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago as having practise two-term limits. Although the Westminster parliamentary system, which the Malaysian parliament is modeled after, has no fixed-term limit, unlike the...

Draft Ucapan ADUN Pantai Jerejak, Sim Tze Tzin dalam sidang DUN 4hb Mei, 2011

Draft Ucapan ADUN Pantai Jerejak YB Sim Tze Tzin dalam sidang DUN 4hb May, 2011. 1.0 Terlebih dahulu, saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari pekerja dan juga selamat hari kebebasan akhbar. Para wartawan memperjuangkan kebenaran dan melaporkan berita dengan jujur, dan saya menghormati professionalisme para wartawan. Penghormatan saya tidak termasuk editor TV3, Utusan Malaysia dan Awang Selamat. 2.0 Para pekerja adalah tunggak pemacu ekonomi di negeri Pulau Pinang. Setiap hari ratusan ribu pekerja collar biru dan collar putih begitu juga pegawai kerajaan, menjalankan tugas mereka secara jujur dan disiplin. Sumbangan mereka amat besar kerana merekalah yang memajukan ekonomi mereka. 3.0 Saya ucapkan syabas kepada kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang kerana Berjaya menarik FDI sebanyak 12.2 billion tahun 2010. Ini adalah pencapaian yang cukup membanggakan. Ini adalah hasil usaha para pekerja di kawasan-kawasan perindustrian di FTZ, yang menyakinkan para pelabur bahawa melabur di Pulau Pinang a...