MEMORANDUM Save Malaysia Committee B-6 Taman Tunas Manja, Jalan Air Putih, 25300 Kuantan. Pahang Darul Makmur. Date: 20/05/2011 HIS EXCELLENCY AUSTRALIAN HIGH COMMISSIONER TO MALAYSIA KUALA LUMPUR Your Excellency RE: LYNAS ADVANCED MATERIAL PLANT (LAMP) NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN GEBENG, KUANTAN , MALAYSIA. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We the residents of Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia are extremely concerned over the proposed construction and operation of the above plant. It is common knowledge that : 1) LAMP will be processing rare earths oxide which contains Thorium 2) Thorium is a known radioactive material. 3) The mineral monazite which contains the Thorium is mined at Mount Weld in Western Australia and will be shipped to Kuantan, through Freemantle Port for processing at LAMP. As your country is the originator of this dangerous material it is only right that your country must take responsibility for ...
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