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Harmony: A Poem

Is harmony shaped like the yin and yang’s curve, 
Or a line that marks where our paths diverge? 
Do we seek out harmony, or does it seek us, 
A construct of minds, or so elusive it hushes?

Within, says the wise, lies answer’s seed, 
Through introspection, we find the balance we need.

So much to uncover, in the depths of our being, 
From the angels and demons in our psyche convening. 
In solitude’s conflict, a question is born, 
Heart or mind’s logic? In the quiet, we’re torn.

Not merely black or white, nor just yes or no, 
In the shades of grey, harmony’s true colours show.

Life’s dance is a sway, a gentle bend, 
In search of a melody that heals and blends. 
But what is harmony’s truest form? 
It begins with ‘me,’  to calm the storm.

In the quiet of the night, harmony resonates fiercely, 
Eager to burst into the world with clarity.

* This poem is also published on Eksentrika

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