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PROGRESSING WITH HERITAGE PUBLIC FORUM 4: Building Capacity in Heritage Asset Management Public Forum: Sat, 28 May 2011 Time: 9.00am- 5.00pm Venue: Bayview Hotel Georgetown, Penang As owners, tenants and custodians of properties within the George Town World Heritage Site, we will need correct approaches, technical know-how and appropriate materials to maintain our heritage assets for future generations. After years of neglect, there is a lot of 'catch-up' maintenance to be done. Large property owners, whether public bodies, institutions or private companies, would do well to understand what is involved in managing their heritage assets. Investments today will result in great savings tomorrow. The UNESCO listing is opening up new opportunities for the building industry, building professionals, contractors, suppliers and even training providers. All those involved need to upgrade their knowledge and skills in the service of cultural heritage management. The public fo...

Press Release for Blending of Blood, A Unity Project

Press Release for "Blending Of Blood‟, A Unity Project Date : 25th May 2O11 (Wednesday) GEORGE TOWN FESTIVAL 2O11 The George Town Festival is a month-long celebration of the inscription of George Town on UNESCO‟s World Heritage Listing on 7th July, 2OO8. Scheduled to be an annual event, the Festival opens as a feast of theatre, music, dance, film, art, opera, food, fashion, photography, and inspirational talks. The primary objective of the George Town Festival is to provide a platform to promote arts and culture to engage all stakeholders to work collectively with the common aim of increasing the multiplier effect on Penang‟s economy. The Festival acts as a catalyst to advance art and heritage education, promotes dialogue, and encourages mutual understanding between different urban communities, past and present. The 2O11 Festival will feature over 8O programmes which promote ARTS and HERITAGE in Penang, made possible with the concerted effort of the Penang State Government...

Kenyataan Media oleh Chow Kon Yeow menjawab laporan akhbar Star Metro

Kenyataan Media Laporan “Traumatising Sight” oleh Akhbar Star Metro pada 25 Mei 2011 Saya telah menerima laporan daripada MPPP berkenaan dengan berita “Traumatising Sight” yang dipaparkan oleh Akhbar Star Metro pada 25 Mei 2011 seperti dilampirkan: 1. Merujuk kepada tajuk berita surat khabar STAR Metro pada 25.5.2011. 2. MPPP mempunyai sebuah pasukan Pengawalan Anjing untuk mengawal seluruh Pulau Pinang. Unit ini bertanggungjawab untuk menangkap anjing liar, anjing tanpa lesen, anjing yang mengejar orang awam, dan anjing yang mengancam keselamatan orang awam berdasarkan kebanyakan aduan yang diterima oleh MPPP setiap hari. 3. Seperti yang diarahkan Unit ini tidak dibenarkan menembak anjing-anjing yang telah ditangkap di hadapan orang awam. Anjing yang ditangkap akan dibawa balik ke Pejabat MPPP untuk dimusnah. Anjing-anjing yang tidak dapat ditangkap yang berada di kawasan lapang seperti di tepi pantai, kawasan bukit hanya akan ditembak menggunaka...

Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Lim Guan Eng mengenai biasiswa JPA

Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, YAB Lim Guan Eng pada 25 Mei 2011 di Komtar, George Town . Masyarakat tidak tertarik untuk mengetahui siapa wira tetapi yang nyata wira sebenar ialah seseorang yang dapat memastikan semua pelajar cemerlang menerima biasiswa JPA. UMNO dan MCA bercakaran bagi membuktikan siapa yang benar dalam isu pemberian biasiswa JPA yang dilihat seolah-olah tidak mempunyai jalan penyelasaian kerana masih terdapat pelajar cemerlang yang masih tidak menerima biasiswa. Masyarakt kini tidak tertarik untuk mengetahui siapa jadi wira tetapi yang nyata wira sebenar ialah mereka yang dapat memastikan kesemua pelajar cemerlang ini boleh menerima biasiswa JPA. Masyarakat bertambah keliru apabila kedua- dua UMNO dan MCA memberikan jawapan yang berlainan walaupun bernaung di bawah Menteri dalam Kabinet yang sama. Kekeliruan ini akan menjadi lucu jika difikirkan tetapi fakta sebenar ialah pelajar-pelajar cemerlang yang tidak bersalah akan menjadi mangsa...

Memorandum to Australian High Comm on LYNAS

MEMORANDUM Save Malaysia Committee B-6 Taman Tunas Manja, Jalan Air Putih, 25300 Kuantan. Pahang Darul Makmur. Date: 20/05/2011 HIS EXCELLENCY AUSTRALIAN HIGH COMMISSIONER TO MALAYSIA KUALA LUMPUR Your Excellency RE: LYNAS ADVANCED MATERIAL PLANT (LAMP) NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN GEBENG, KUANTAN , MALAYSIA. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We the residents of Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia are extremely concerned over the proposed construction and operation of the above plant. It is common knowledge that : 1) LAMP will be processing rare earths oxide which contains Thorium 2) Thorium is a known radioactive material. 3) The mineral monazite which contains the Thorium is mined at Mount Weld in Western Australia and will be shipped to Kuantan, through Freemantle Port for processing at LAMP. As your country is the originator of this dangerous material it is only right that your country must take responsibility for ...

Rev Thomas hopes every state has a non-Islamic portfolio

Reverend Dr. Thomas Phillips, the President of Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Sikhism and Taoism (MBCCBCHST) met with CM Lim Guan Eng at Komtar today. The consultative council was formed 30 years ago. To date, only two states in Malaysia, Penang and Perak, have the non-Islamic portfolio. Reverend Thomas hopes that every state in Malaysia could have a non-Islamic portfolio.

Sim reassures residents of Lengkok Mahsuri

Sim Tze Tzin, ADUN Pantai Jerejak visited the Lengkok Mahsuri flats today with PDC engineers and officers to inspect the slant as claimed in Bernama News yesterday. During the inspection, it was found that the apron in the corridor had cracks in them as the building was built over what used to be a padi field, and has underground stream running below the ground, causing certain parts of the ground to sink. However, Sim reassures the residents that the building was structurally safe.The sinking involved three units in that apartment block. The sinking involved three units in that apartment block. Sim directed PDC personnels to engage the engineering unit of JKR to do further inspection.

Koh on updates in investments in Penang

Koh: Don't you feel that some "bullets" have come out already

Press Statement by Teng on Tang Hak Ju being labled as 'Land Scam'

Press conference by Penang Barisan Nasional Working Committee chairman and Penang Gerakan chief Dato Dr Teng Hock Nan May 16, 2011 Penang Barisan Nasional working committee chairman Dato Dr Teng Hock Nan today urged the state government to focus on collecting more information and evidence to set aside a High Court award to Tang Hak Ju over a land case. Dr Teng said instead of continuing to label the case as a “scam” when “there is no scam” as explicitly stated in the contents of the White Paper, the state government should take appropriate action to set aside the case or to reduce the award’s amount. Dr Teng, who is also Penang Gerakan chief, said the White Paper, which was tabled and adopted in the State Assembly sitting last week, had stated that there was a technical mistake and negligence or an irresponsible action on the part of two government officers. “According to the White Paper, new evidence has also been found to show that Tang could have prior knowledge of land ...