Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Draft Ucapan ADUN Pantai Jerejak, Sim Tze Tzin dalam sidang DUN 4hb Mei, 2011

Draft Ucapan ADUN Pantai Jerejak YB Sim Tze Tzin dalam sidang DUN 4hb May, 2011.

1.0 Terlebih dahulu, saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari pekerja dan juga selamat hari kebebasan akhbar. Para wartawan memperjuangkan kebenaran dan melaporkan berita dengan jujur, dan saya menghormati professionalisme para wartawan. Penghormatan saya tidak termasuk editor TV3, Utusan Malaysia dan Awang Selamat.

2.0 Para pekerja adalah tunggak pemacu ekonomi di negeri Pulau Pinang. Setiap hari ratusan ribu pekerja collar biru dan collar putih begitu juga pegawai kerajaan, menjalankan tugas mereka secara jujur dan disiplin. Sumbangan mereka amat besar kerana merekalah yang memajukan ekonomi mereka.

3.0 Saya ucapkan syabas kepada kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang kerana Berjaya menarik FDI sebanyak 12.2 billion tahun 2010. Ini adalah pencapaian yang cukup membanggakan. Ini adalah hasil usaha para pekerja di kawasan-kawasan perindustrian di FTZ, yang menyakinkan para pelabur bahawa melabur di Pulau Pinang akan memberi keuntungan kepada pekilang.

4.0 Saya ingin memanggil perhatian kerajaan terhadap kebajikan para pekerja. Beberapa masalah besar yang dihadapi oleh para pekerja. Pertama, adalah gaji pekerja yang amat rendah. Secara purata gaji permulaan seorang pekerja kilang lulusan SPM adalah hanyalah RM550. Gaji 10 tahun dahulu adalah RM500. Tetapi harga barang naik berkali-kali ganda.

5.0 Kedua, kemasukan pekerja-pekerja asing telah memberi saingan yang begitu hebat kepada pekerja tempatan. Mereka telah merampas tempat pekerja tempatan dan juga suppress kenaikan gaji yang sewajarnya. Saya memahami bahawa kita masih kekurangan pekerja dalam perindustrian. Dan sememangnya isu pekerja adalah di bawah kerajaan pusat. Tetapi saya mohon prihatin kerajaan negeri dan berbuat sesuatu kerana Perindustrian adalah tunggak ekonomi negeri Pulau Pinang.

6.0 Pakatan Rakyat memperjuangkan gaji minima untuk pekerja kilang. Ini telah termaktub dalam manifesto Pakatan Rakyat. Maka saya berharap kerajaan negeri mula memperjuangkan isu gaji minima di kalangan para industrialists dan pekerja. Kerajaan negeri harus memberi satu mesej yang jelas bahawa gaji pekerja sekarang terlalu rendah dan perlu dinaikan secara berperingkat sehingga ke garis gaji minima. Para industralist mempunyai masa untuk membuat perubahan sehingga Pakatan Rakyat membentuk kerajaan di Putrajaya.

7.0 Mereka harus diberi tempoh masa untuk meningkatkan proses automation di dalam kilang-kilang mereka. Supaya mereka tidak lagi bergantung kepada tenaga pekerja berkemahiran rendah. Proses ini tidak boleh dilonjatkan secara serta merta. Pekilang juga tidak rasa desakan jika dasar perindustrian kita masih bergantung kepada low skill, low wage workers. Maka kerajaan negeri jika memberi hala-tuju dan tempoh masa untuk menaikkan gaji ke gaji minima, maka, para industrialist akan mula perancangan dari sekarang.

8.0 Ketiga, adalah kekurangan perbincangan dan dialog tripartite antara pekerja-perindustrian-kerajaan. Para pekerja mempunyai banyak rungutan, para industrialist juga ingin tingkatkan produktiviti pekerja. Tetapi mereka kurang mempunyai ruang dan platform untuk berbuat demikian. Maka banyak isu pekerja berlanjutan.

9.0 Apa yang boleh kita buat?

10.0 Saya ingin mencadangkan satu MMK Pekerja di bawah Exco Perindustrian iaitu Timbalan Ketua Menteri 1. MMK ini bertujuan memperjuangkan isu pekerja-pekerja kilang. Ia boleh juga boleh mengadakan dialog berkala tripartite dengan pekilang dan union-union pekerja. MMK ini juga bertanggungjawab melakarkan perancangan dasar pekerja negeri, bagaimana menarik lebih ramai skilled workers untuk bekerja di Pulau Pinang dan mengatasi kekurangan pekerja.

11.0 MMK Pekerja juga boleh melakarkan program-program seperti bantuan guaman, program skill training dan sebagainya. Saya harap kerajaan boleh mempertimbangkan cadangan saya.

12.0 Selepas 3 tahun Pakatan Rakyat memegang kerajaan negeri, pelbagai initiative untuk mendemokrasikan negeri telah dijalankan. Saya beri contoh seperti meluluskan usul untuk menjalankan pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan, draf undang-undang Freedom of Information dan juga menyediakan sudut free speech corner. Syabas kepada kerajaan negeri.

13.0 Kerajaan tidak harus henti begitu sahaja, malah kita harus memimpin arus perubahan dan pendemokrasian. Kerajaan Pakatan harus menggunakan kekuatan 2/3 DUN untuk melaksanakan reform pendemokrasian secepat mungkin.Saya ingin cadangkan 3 reform initiative untuk memantapkan demokrasi negeri Pulau Pinang.

14.0 Yang pertama, campaign finance reform.

15.0 Parti-parti politik di Negara ini kebanyakan mendapatkan dana pilihanraya dari ahli parti atau penyokong-penyokong. Saya tidak tahu dengan UMNO/BN sebab mereka kaya dan mempunyai banyak saluran. Baru-baru ini MACC mengesyorkan bahawa mereka ingin memantau sumbangan wang politik kerana ia adalah satu unsur rasuah. Tetapi menteri Barisan Nasional Hishamuddin Tun Hussein Oon cepat-cepat keluar kata tidak setuju, kononnya akan menakutkan penderma.

16.0 Ada satu buku….

17.0 Maka, kita tahu bahawa sumbangan politik adalah satu masalah yang besar dan mencabar system demokrasi Negara kita.

18.0 Kerajaan negeri harus menerajui campaign finance reform di negeri Pulau Pinang. Pulau Pinang adalah epicenter tsunami politik tahun 2008. Rakyat Pulau Pinang ingin melihat political reform.

19.0 Saya ingin mencadangkan penubuhan satu Tabung Amanah Pilihanraya. Tabung ini berfungsi untuk menyumbangkan wang kepada calon-calon pilihanraya, baik PR atau BN. Calon-calon akan menggunakan wang kerajaan untuk bertanding. Dengan ini, mereka dilarang mendapatkan sumbangan kewangan yang mungkin berunsur rasuah. Maka calon-calon boleh bertanding secara adil dan kita boleh memastikan pilihanraya dijalankan secara bersih.

20.0 Saya ingin mencadangkan RM100,000 untuk setiap calon di setiap DUN. Maka, kerajaan hanya perlu memperuntukan RM8juta untuk kesemua 40 kerusi pilihanraya DUN. Ini adalah satu kos yang cukup rendah untuk menjalankan pilihanraya yang adil dan Bersih.

21.0 Sebenarnya, campaign finance yang dibiayai oleh kerajaan bukan sesuatu perkara yang baru. Negera German telah melaksanakan system ini selepas perang dunia kedua dan Berjaya mewujudkan Negara demokrasi yang mantap. Baru-baru ini, Negara Africa Naminbia juga melaksanakan Tabung Amanah Pilihanraya dan Negara tersebut mengalami pendemokrasian yang pesat.

22.0 Pulau Pinang haruslah menerajui pendemokrasian ini.

23.0 Kedua, Pemantapan Demokrasi Dewan Undangan Negeri.

24.0 Apa yang dimaksudkan pemantapan ini? Ada beberapa criteria yang disyorkan oleh Commonwealth Parliamentary Association CPA. Di antaranya Parliament atau DUN harus mempunyai independence of jurisdiction. Saya ingin syorkan bahawa kerajaan negeri memberi kuasa independent kepada DUN. Dimana DUN mempunyai kuasa tertentu. Contohnya kebebasan untuk mengurus kewangan DUN. Kewangan DUN diperuntukan oleh kerajaan negeri kemudian baget DUN ditentukan oleh select committee.

25.0 Kita harus belajar dari Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor dan pimpinan Exco kerajaan Selangor dalam hal ini. Mereka telah kedepan dari segi pendemokrasian dan pemantapan DUN.

26.0 Ketiga, melanjutkan sidang DUN demi kerajaan yang lebih Accountable dan Transparent.

27.0 Saya memeriksa rekod dan dapati bahawa pada tahun 2005 sidang dewan 14 hari. Tahun 2006 dewan bersidang 12 hari. Tahun 2007, 12 hari. Tahun 2008, sidang dewan 14 hari. Tahun 2009, 12 hari.

28.0 Ini bukan satu rekod yang kurang memuaskan. Kerana kalau kita bandingkan dengan BN, tidak berbeza banyak. Saya nak ambil contoh Australia, DUN West Australia bersidang 22 minggu setiap tahun. Maksudnya lebih kurang 88 hari setahun.

29.0 Sidang DUN Pulau Pinang harus dipanjangkan untuk meningkatkan prestasi DUN dan memastikan kerajaan berfungsi secara accountable dan transparent.

Land Reclamation di Pantai Queensbay

30.0 Saya difahamkan kerajaan telah meluluskan penambakan tanah di pantai Queensbay. Ini adalah satu pampasan kerajaan negeri kepada Boustead Holding Bhd akibat larangan ketinggian di kawasan heritage UNESCO.

31.0 Boustead dibenarkan menambak 100 ekar tanah di pantai di hadapan Queensbay.

32.0 Setakat ini, saya masih belum dimaklumkan tentang projek ini maka saya tidak tahu secara teliti dengan projek ini. Saya meminta kerajaan negeri boleh memberi taklimat kepada Adun kawasan setiap kali projek besar dan penting seperti ini. Kami perlu jawab kepada pengundi-pengundi.

33.0 Saya ingin membangkitkan kekhuthiran dan reservation terhadap projek ini.

34.0 Pertama, projek tambakan boleh menghasilkan masalah alam sekitar. Kita harus mengambil iktibar dari projek tambakan E&O di Tanjung Tokong, di mana Gurney Drive mendapat mendapan dari situ. Mungkin mendapan akan berlaku di sekitar pantai Queensbay, Pulau Jerejak ataupun Batu Maung. Saya berharap EIA dijalankan secara teliti.

35.0 Kedua, Pulau Jerejak adalah crown jewel untuk negeri Pulau Pinang. Ia sepatutnya dibangunkan sebagai kawasan perlancongan seperti Sentosa Island di Singapura. Maka ia memerlukan tanah di sebelah kawasan Queensbay untuk melengkapkan pembangunan di Pulau Jerejak. Sebarang penambakan di kawasan sisiran pantai Queensbay harus dibuat secara berpandangan jauh.





YB Datuk Speaker yang saya hormati, selamat pagi dan salam sejahtera.

Saya ingin mengambil bahagian untuk membahaskan usul terima kasih ke atas ucapan Tuan yang Terutama sempena pembukaan rasmi Mesyuarat Pertama Penggal Keempat Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Pulau Pinang.

YB Datuk Speaker, saya berpendapat jika kita berhasrat untuk menjadikan Negeri Pulau Pinang sebuah bandaraya yang bertaraf antarabangsa, maka kita seharusnya menitikberatkan kebersihan alam sekitar.

Walaupun kedua-dua PBT kita, iaitu MPPP dan MPSP telah berusaha dengan sungguh-sungguh untuk memperbaiki tahap kebersihan, tetapi saya mendapati masih terdapat ruang yang agak luas untuk kedua-dua buah PBT memainkan peranan dengan lebih baik dan berkesan.

Walaubagaimanapun, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan dalam Dewan yang mulia ini untuk mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih dan syabas kepada pegawai-pegawai dan kakitangan-kakitangan MPPP dan MPSP kerana prestasi menjalankan tugas masing-masing memang telah ternampak kemajuan, ini tidak boleh saya menafikan, tetapi saya berharap MPPP dan MPSP meneruskan kerja-kerja penambahbaikan ini untuk memastikan kebersihan alam sekitar dapat diteruskan dan mungkin dalam satu atau dua tahun yang akan datang, kita dapat menikmati alam sekitar yang bersih, nyaman serta makmur untuk rakyat Pulau Pinang menduduki dan bekerja.

YB Datuk Speaker, masalah banjir kilat yang berlaku baru-baru ini jelas membuktikan kerja-kerja tebatan banjir masih belum berjaya dengan sepenuhnya.

Di KADUN Padang Lalang, hujan lebat telah menyebabkan banyak taman-taman perumahan ditenggelami air. Saya berharap kerja-kerja tebatan banjir di Taman Desa Damai dan Taman Makok dapat disegerakan. Saya juga ingin memohon supaya pihak yang berkenaan memandang berat terhadap masalah banjir kilat di Taman Sri Rambai Fasa I, Taman Sungai Rambai dan taman-taman yang berdekatan. Kawasan-kawasan yang rendah ini memerlukan rumah pam supaya air hujan dapat dipam ke dalam sungai atau parit dengan cepat untuk mengelakkan air hujan memasuki kediaman-kediaman.

Kerja-kerja penyelenggaraan dan pembersihan parit-parit monsoon juga seharusnya dijalankan lebih kerap, bukan dua kali setahun untuk membolehkan parit-parit dan sungai-sungai dapat menampung lebih banyak air.

YB Datuk Speaker, masalah rumah retak dan kemendapan tanah di Taman Kota Permai yang diakibatkan oleh projek JPP masih belum diselesaikan dengan sepenuhnya.

Saya menyeru kepada JPP supaya mengambil inisiatif dan langkah-langkah yang positif untuk tampil ke hadapan supaya kesengsaraan dan kebimbangan penduduk-penduduk setempat dapat diatasi dengan berkesan dalam masa terdekat.

Masalah rumah meretak berlaku atas sebab kerja-kerja pembinaan projek JPP adalah satu fakta yang tidak boleh JPP menafikan. Oleh itu, saya ingin nampak sesuatu yang konstruktif dapat dilakukan oleh JPP dengan serta-merta.

YB Datuk Speaker, sistem pengangkutan awam di Seberang Perai berada dalam situasi serba kekurangan, warga Seberang Perai berhadapan dengan masalah pengangkutan, di mana semua orang dipaksa menggunakan kereta atau motosikal sendiri.

Misalnya, apabila seorang penduduk di Taman Sri Rambai ingin pergi ke Berapit, langsung tidak ada bas atau teksi yang boleh beliau pakai.

Saya menyeru kepada Kerajaan supaya satu sistem pengangkutan awam yang beroperasi antara taman-taman perumahan dalam sesebuah bandar dapat diwujudkan dengan kerjasama Rapid Penang dan syarikat-syarikat bas yang lain.

YB Datuk Speaker, saya ingin mencadangkan Kerajaan memberi insentif kepada syarikat bas yang ingin memberi perkhdimatan ini supaya kita dapat menyenangkan orang awam yang ingin berulang-alik dari satu taman ke satu taman dengan kos yang minima, ini merupakan kebaikan pertama.

Kedua, dengan adanya sistem pengangkutan awam yang berkesan, kesesakan lalulintas dapat dikurangkan.

Ketiga, penjimatan kegunaan petrol dapat mengurangkan juga kecemaran alam semulajadi.

YB Datuk Speaker, industri pelancongan merupakan satu sektor aktiviti ekonomi yang penting di Pulau Pinang, malangnya kebaikan dan keuntungan yang diperolehi kurang dapat disalurkan ke Seberang Perai, kerana pelancong-pelancong dari luar Negara dan juga dalam negera kurang mengunjungi Seberang Perai.

Saya berpendapat, terdapat banyak destinasi dan tarikan-tarikan pelancongan yang bermutu tinggi di Seberang Perai, tetapi sekian lama ini telah dipinggirkan. Saya meminta Kerajaan menjalankan satu program promosi pelancongan di Seberang Perai supaya lebih ramai orang mengetahui Seberang Perai.

Bayangkan, jikalau setiap hari terdapat 20 buah bas yang membawa pelancong-pelancong dari sebelah pulau masuk ke Seberang Perai untuk lawatan satu hari, maka akan terdapat lebih kurang 600 orang pelancong boleh belanja di Seberang Perai, ini akan menggalakkan aktiviti-aktiviti ekonomi dan memberi keuntungan yang lumayan kepada sektor bisnes di Seberang Perai.

YB Datuk Speaker, saya juga tidak lupa golongan wanita yang ramai. Wanita memainkan peranan yang penting dalam kehidupan kita, maka saya ingin menyeru kepada Kerajaan supaya lebih perhatian disalurkan kepada golongan wanita untuk membantu mereka mencapai impian-impian mereka.

Saya berpendapat, golongan wanita memerlukan peluang yang adil dan saksama, saya ingin mengucapkan syabas kepada Kerajaan kerana kita sebenarnya telah mengambil langkah yang positif untuk golongan wanita diletakan di posisi penting dalam pentadbiran Kerajaan, contohnya kedua-dua orang Tuan Yang diPertua MPPP dan MPSP adalah wanita.

Ibu tunggal juga harus diberi perhatian, supaya mereka dapat bekerja untuk mencari punca pendapatan. Golongan ini memerlukan lebih banyak bantuan kemudahan untuk menjaga anak-anak mereka apabila mereka bekerja.

YB Datuk Speaker, walaupun bidang pendidikan dan perubatan bukan bawah pentadbiran Kerajaan Negeri, saya berharap kerjasama antara kita dengan Kerajaan Pusat harus dipereratkan, supaya lebih peruntukan disalurkan kepada sekolah-sekolah dan hospital-hospital dalam Negeri Pulau Pinang.

Pendidikan merupakan alat untuk menjana kuasa memaju ke masa hadapan. Anak-anak muda Pulau Pinang seharusnya diberi peluang yang mencukupi supaya mereka dapat mengecapi ilmu dan kemahiran untuk membantu membangunkan Pulau Pinang.

Hospital pula merupakan satu kemudahan harian setiap orang rakyat Pulau Pinang. Dengan kos yang terlalu tinggi yang dicaj oleh hospital swasta, saya berpendapat Kerajaan mesti mengambil inisiatif untuk berbincang dengan Kementerian Kesihatan supaya hospital-hospital awam yang baru dapat dibina di Pulau Pinang, dan banyak hospital sedia ada yang tidak dapat menampung pesakit-pesakit yang semakin hari semakin tambah, hospital-hospital ini perlu dinaiktaraf dan kemudahan baru harus disediakan, termasuk lebih wad dibina untuk keselesaan pesakit-pesakit.

YB Datuk Speaker, rumah pangsa kos rendah dan kos sederhana merupakan rumah yang mampu dibeli oleh sesetengah rakyat Pulau Pinang yang berpendapatan rendah, tetapi malangnya saya mendapati banyak rumah pangsa kos rendah telah disewa kepada pendatang asing yang bekerja di kilang-kilang besar.

Saya amat kecewa dengan penguatkuasaan yang amat lemah, dimana dasar kita memang tidak membenarkan rumah pangsa jenis ini disewa, hakikatnya insiden ini berlaku di merata tempat. Saya memohon pihak yang bertanggungjawab memberi lebih tumpuan terhadap sinario ini yang merugikan rakyat kita. Saya berharap tindakan tegas harus diambil terhadap mereka yang mengingkari dasar-dasar yang sedia ada.

YB Datuk Speaker, pentadbiran yang telus dan cekap amat penting untuk sesebuah Kerajaan menjamin pegawai-pegawainya tidak terlibat dengan gejala rasuah.

Sebagai teladan, Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang telah mendapat pujian dari Transparency International kerana usaha-usaha membanteras jenayah rasuah kita.

Keadaan kewangan MPSP telah diselamatkan dari ambang bankrupsi dengan pentadbiran yang cekap, akauntabiliti dan telus juga.

Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menyeru kepada Perdana Menteri Dato Seri Najib mengamalkan kaedah menangani rasuah Singapura atau Hong Kong, dimana jika seseorang pegawai awam didapati menikmati cara kehidupan mewah yang di luar kemampuan pendapatan beliau, maka beliau akan disiasat, jika beliau tidak dapat membuktikan kemewahan beliau adalah dari punca pendapatan yang halal, maka beliau akan didakwa ke mahkamah.

Dato Seri Najib berkata beliau ingin memakai cara ‘blue ocean’, dengan izin, untuk menangani masalah rasuah, saya berpendapat, YB Datuk Speaker, macam mana Perdana Menteri dapat berjaya menyelesaikan gejala rasuah di Negara ini jika beliau ‘cakap tak serupa bikin’?

Saya berpendapat, tak kira ‘blue ocean’ atau ‘red ocean’, masalah rasuah masih akan terus bermaharajalela bawah pemerintahan UMNO Barisan Nasional.

YB Datuk Speaker, saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengkritik suratkhabar yang suka menyiarkan berita-berita palsu yang berniat jahat dan mempermainkan sentimen perkauman dan agama. Suratkhabar yang saya maksudkan adalah Utusan Malaysia.

Saya bercadang Kerajaan Negeri seharusnya mengambil tindakan mahkamah terhadap suratkhabar ini apabila mereka mencetakan berita-berita palsu yang memburukkan prestasi dan imej Kerajaan dan juga pemimpin-pemimpin kita.

Trend dan cara Utusan Malaysia menggendalikan laporan mereka yang bahaya ini akan menghancurkan perpaduan dan keharmonian kaum-kaum Negara ini. Saya berpendapat, hanya melalui tindakan mahkamah baru boleh kita berjaya menghalang Utusan Malaysia dari meneruskan tindakan jahat dan keji ini.

YB Datuk Speaker, saya berpendapat, slogan ‘Satu Malaysia’ yang dilaungkan oleh Perdana Menteri merupakan satu slogan yang tidak bermakna, kerana UMNO Barisan Nasional selalu “cakap tak serupa bikin”, cakap Satu Malaysia, tetapi Melayu diutamakan, rakyat dibahagi kepada dua, iaitu Bumiputera dan Bukan Bumiputera.

YB Datuk Speaker, slogan ‘Satu Malaysia’ nampaknya menarik, tetapi hakikatnya, saya berpendapat, ‘Satu Malaysia’ hanya merupakan satu lagi slogan yang kosong, tanpa sebarang makna yang jati dan ikhlas.

Dengan hormatnya saya mohon menyokong.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding charity street party at Straits Quay

Not about to miss out on one of the most talked about and high profile weddings of the year, International Women's Association of Penang (IWA) will hold a charity street party at the Straits Quay on 29th April to celebrate the Royal Wedding of Price William and Catherine Middleton. Prince William is second in line to the British throne after Prince Charles, and the couple have been been together, on and off, since 2001.

The wedding which will be held in Westminster Abbey will be screened live on six giant plasma screens via the internet according to Frances Wilks, one of the organizers involved in the event.

Invitations to the wedding service are issued in the name of Her Majesty The Queen and includes 1,900 guests. Out of which, 650 guests have been invited to the lunchtime reception at Buckingham Palace given by the Queen and approximately 300 guests invited to dinner, also at Buckingham Palace, by the Prince of Wales.

The Herald Sun reported that a signal-blocking technology will be installed at the Westminster Abbey to effectively ban Twitter, calls and untimely ringtones. The technology will be turned on early Friday morning British time, and will remain for the whole duration of the ceremony. The move was suggested by the royal family and approved by the security.

The Royal Wedding Street Party at the Straits Quay will cost RM65 for adults and RM40 for children below 13 years old. Those below 5 years old get to go free of charge.

Tickets are available from committee members, IWA office and the Kaffa Kafe in Straits Quay. Ticket prices are inclusive of either two beers or two glasses of wine, together with fish and chips, bangers and mash, coronation chicken with apple crumble and bread and butter pudding. Water and squashes are free flow.

The Pearly King and a "Royal Couple" will make a special appearance.

Prizes are sponsored by Amee Phillips, OE Design, Danai Spa and the G-Hotel too among many others for quizzes on Cockney Rhyming Slang and the Mysterious Images game.

Children will have a chance to be crowned best dressed prince and princess for the evening besides looking forward to drawing and painting competitions.

This event aim to raise funds for 4Paws, a sanctuary founded by Barbara to house abandoned street dogs. Currently she takes care of over 80 dogs and this fund will provide for the dogs' expenses such as food and medical bills.

The IWA is an organization set up to initially support women who accompany their expatriate husbands, but now includes single mothers, women who own businesses here and also women who are on the Malaysia, My Second Home programme. IWA currently has a membership of about 320 members in Penang and is committed to doing charitable work.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Magistrate rules in favour of Bayswater JMB

Magistrate court judge Tengku Sharizan bin Tuan Lah ruled in favour of Bayswater Resort Condominium in an application filed by Lisa Nadia Tan Thuan Li to set aside a warrant of seizure and sale due to a default in maintenance payment amounting to slightly more than RM14,000.

“The court does not want to interfere with the management’s decision,” he declared this morning, claiming that the applicant was indebted to the management.

However another application to release all items belonging to her father, Tan Cheng Lim was approved.

“I will try to apply from the magistrate that no enforcement takes place until the disposal of the appeal,” said lawyer S. Raveentharan who is also the state assemblyman for Batu Uban.

Suraya, from Amareson & Meera, the lawyer representing Bayswater however declined S.Raveentharan’s proposal to meet at the magistrate’s chambers. She requested S.Raveentharan to put in a formal application instead.

Lisa Nadia (right) is a single parent who lives with her father and two children.

She had tried to pay the Bayswater Joint Management Body since last year after receiving the warrant of seizure and sale of the condominium. The management accepted two out of the 17 post-dated cheques. The rest were declined on grounds that a legal case was pending.

“If they had accepted the cheques, about half the payment would have been cleared by now,” explained the elder Tan.

Earlier this year, ten police personnels went to Lisa’s apartment unit to take inventory of her household items. The issue regarding the alarming number of policemen entering her house remains unclear although police authorities have denied it in writing.

S. Raveentharan submitted the proof with photographs of ten policemen in the house taken on the same day but it was nevertheless not taken into consideration for the judgment.

In a final discussion with the law firm representing Bayswater, S.Raveentharan managed to secure an agreement for Lisa to clear her debt in three separate payments.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kenyataan Media oleh Chow Kon Yeow terhadap Isu Tapak Penjaja Sunway Tunas

Kenyataan Media Mengenai Aduan Terhadap “Corrupt Practices Of MPPP Officers & Former Councillor” oleh Dedah Korupsi (Pro Bono Publico)

Berkenaan dengan email daripada “Dedah Korupsi” oleh Pro Bono Publico bertarikh 6 April 2011 berkenaan dengan “Corrupt Practices Of MPPP Officers & Former Councillor”, siasatan telah dijalankan oleh MPPP.

Tanah yang dimaksudkan oleh pengadu ialah Lot 13180, Mukim 12, Persiaran Mahsuri 1, Taman Sunway Tunas. Tanah ini diserahkan oleh pemaju Tetuan Sunway Tunas Sdn. Bhd. dengan perjanjian namaan RM1.00 kepada Majlis sebagai tapak penjaja. Tanah ini telah didaftarkan di bawah pemilikan MPPP pada 26 September 2002.

Tanah ini diserahkan kepada MPPP sebagai tapak penjaja dalam keadaan tapak kosong yang berlantaikan konkrit dan disediakan juga tempat basuhan. Tapak penjaja ini di bawah pengurusan Bahagian Pelesenan sebagai jabatan yang bertanggungjawab atas pengurusan pasar dan kompleks penjaja.

MPPP telah menerima satu permohonan daripada Tetuan Sunway Sdn. Bhd. pada 21 Mac 2011 untuk membeli semula tanah ini tetapi MPPP telah menolak disebabkan tanah ini adalah untuk tapak penjaja. Pada ketika ini, tiada sebarang struktur yang dibina di atas tapak tersebut dan MPPP sekarang dalam proses untuk memagar tapak tersebut. MPPP belum ada sebarang perancangan untuk membina gerai-gerai penjaja.

MPPP tidak mengetahui tentang penglibatan bekas Ahli Majlis yang dimaksudkan dalam email tersebut. MPPP juga menafikan tuduhan pegawai Jabatan Penilaian dan Pengurusan Harta yang ”corrupt” kerana MPPP telah menolak permohonan ini.

Chow Kon Yeow

Monday, April 11, 2011

Media Statement by Chow Kon Yeow on Swiftet Farming

Media Statement by Chow Kon Yeow, Penang State Executive Councillor for Local Government and Traffic Management at the conclusion of the Local Government Consultative Forum on Monday, 11 April 2011 at the Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang, Penang.

1. Swiftlet farm operators and MCA leaders have raised three issues at a demonstration staged at Komtar walk, on Friday 8 April 2011.

2. Issue No.1 –Accused the Penang State Government for trying to kill off this lucrative industry by removing swiftlet premises from the World Heritage Site of Geoege Town!

3. Issue No.2 –“Heritage” in whatever forms are still “dead things”, only people have lives!

4. Issue No.3 –Mulu National Park and George Town are both heritage sites, why swiftlet activity are allowed in Mulu and not George Town!

5. The Penang State Government is not trying to kill off swiftlet farming. We want swiftlet farm investors to continue this lucrative business at appropriate zones approved for such activities.

6. Swiftlet farm investors would see their investments secured and sustainable over a long term if it is carried out at approved zones.

7. Swiftlet farm investors should not risk their investment by putting up swiftlet farms in unapproved zones as they would have to face enforcement action for failing to get the required planning and building approval from the local councils.

8. Swiftlet farm investors should revise their investment strategy in line with the Federal Government’s decision to stop swiftlet farming in the World Heritage Sites of Melaka and George Town and also the adoption of the National Guideline for Swiftlet Farming.

9. By lobbying intensively against the decision to stop swiftlet farming in George Town World Heritage Site, swiftlet farm investors are expecting the wider interests of the State and people to be sacrificed so that their narrow interests can be protected.

10. By asserting that “heritage in whatever forms are still lifeless dead things”, exposed their lack of understanding and appreciation of George Town World Heritage Site.

11. They are just equating heritage with artefacts, monuments or even antique pieces meant for decoration purposes at home.

12. George Town World Heritage Site is not about lifeless artefacts, monuments or antique pieces. George Town was inscribed as World Heritage Site because of the outstanding universal values of a living heritage. “Melaka and George Town are living testimony to the multi-cultural heritage and tradition of Asia, where the greatest religions, and cultures met. The coexistence of distinct faiths - both tangible and intangible - in particular the different religious buildings, is a testament to the religious pluralism of Asia.”

13. Swiftlet farm investors should realize that if George Town is taken over by birdhouse, this city would be turned not only into a bird city but a ghost city, which threaten not only the World Heritage Site status but also George Town as the capital city of the State of Penang. In short the future of George Town is at stake!

14. Who would allowed the future of George Town to be compromised?

15. The other assertion is made because of sheer ignorance. Mulu National Park is a natural heritage while George Town is a living heritage. Swiftlet belongs to the natural realm. Just because swiftlet activities are found in Mulu National Park, a natural heritage site, does not mean it should be allowed in the living heritage site of George Town.


1. 養燕業者及馬華領袖于上週五(8-4-2011),在光大大道展開的示威行動中提及3項要點。

2. 第一:檳州政府企圖將喬治市的養燕業者趕盡殺絕!

3. 第二:古蹟怎樣講都是死物,人類才是有生命的!

4. 第三:姆魯國家公園和喬治市同樣是世界遺產,為何姆魯允許引燕活動而喬治市卻不能!

5. 檳州政府並非要將燕業者趕盡殺絕,而是要養燕業者在允許養燕活動的地區,繼續他們這利潤豐厚的行業。

6. 養燕業者在適當及被允許的地區進行養燕活動,將可以看到這項投資的長遠保障及穩定。

7. 養燕業者不應冒險在禁止養燕的地區進行養燕活動,因為業者在不獲得地方政府批准規劃及建築圖測的情況下,將會受到執法行動的對付。

8. 養燕業者應更改他們的投資策略,遵循中央政府禁止在馬六甲及喬治市世界文化古蹟遺產區內養燕的決定,以及采納全國養燕指南。

9. 養燕業者強烈反對喬治市禁止養燕的決定,只為了希望保住他們的私益,而犧牲州政府及廣大群眾的利益。

10. “古蹟怎樣講都是死物”的言論,顯示他們不了解及不珍惜喬治市世界文化遺產。

11. 他們只是一昧的將古蹟,與古物、甚至作為家居裝飾的古懂劃上等號。

12. 喬治市並不是古物或古懂的死物,其文化古蹟遺產地位是來自喬治市,無形及有形的獨特傳統多元文化色彩,尤其是宗教和文化並存的特色,不同的宗教建築,更突顯出這是一個多元宗教的地區。

13. 養燕業者應了解,一旦喬治市被燕屋取代,整座城市將不只是變成燕城,而是鬼城。這不但威脅世界文化遺產地位,同時也威脅喬治市作為檳州主要城市的地位。簡單來說,這影響喬治市的未來利益!

14. 誰會為了喬治市的未來而輕易妥協?

15. 至于另一個言論,則暴露了他們的無知。姆魯國家公園是自然生態遺產,而喬治市則是文化古蹟遺產。燕子是屬于自然生態的。姆魯國家公園有引燕活動,正因那是自然生態遺產;這不代表喬治市作為文化古蹟遺產,就應該允許養燕活動。

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, YAB Lim Guan Eng pada 20.3.2011 di Komtar, Georgetown.

Pemimpin BN Harus Memberhentikan Penyalahgunaan Media Massa Bernama dan News Straits Time untuk Terus Menghentam Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang Dengan Fitnah Bahawa PR Tidak Adil Dalam Pelaksanaan Wifi Percuma di Seluruh Pulau Pinang Kerana Ketepikan Kawasan Parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN).

Pemimpin BN harus memberhentikan penyalahgunaan media massa Bernama dan News Straits Time untuk terus menghentam Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang dengan fitnah bahawa PR tidak adil dalam pelaksanaan Wifi percuma di seluruh Pulau Pinang kerana ketepikan kawasan parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN). Kerajaan Negeri PR Pulau Pinang tidak merasa terkejut dengan serangan berterusan akhbar seperti New Straits Times yang tidak pernah bercakap benar kerana mendakwa Kerajaan Negeri PR Pulau Pinang melakukan sesuatu pekara yang tidak pernah dilakukan sebaliknya cuba membetulkannya.

Tetapi, bagi agensi media massa kebangsaan seperti Bernama yang tidak melaporkan penjelasan Kerajaan Negeri PR Pulau Pinang bahawa inisiatif wifi secara percuma adalah untuk semua termasuklah kawasan Parlimen BN menunjukkan bahawa Pilihan Raya Umum sudah semakin hampir dan Bernama seharusnya dikenali sebagai BNnama.

Kerajaan Negeri PR Pulau Pinang adalah adil kepada semua rakyatnya tanpa mengira bangsa, agama, gender dan juga fahaman politiknya. Kerajaan PR Pulau Pinang adalah sebuah kerajaan untuk semua rakyat Pulau Pinang termasuk penyokong BN. Oleh itu semasa Kerajaan Negeri PR Pulau Pinang melancarkan inisiatif wifi secara percuma pada tahun 2009, kami mahukan liputan merangkumi keseluruhan Pulau Pinang termasuklah kawasan Parlimen BN iaitu Kepala Batas dan Tasek Gelugor. Inisiatif wifi secara percuma ini adalah usaha Kerajaan Negeri PR Pulau Pinang untuk mempertingkatkan penggunaan jalur lebar dan ”Kepintaran Digital” untuk kawasan bandar dan juga luar bandar sebagai langkah memajukan Pulau Pinang ke arah sebuah negeri ekonomi berpengetahuan.

Kerajaan Negeri PR Pulau Pinang telah berjaya mendapatkan khidmat syarikat swasta Redtone, untuk membekalkan khidmat wifi secara percuma tanpa bayaran walau sesen pun. Redtone telah berjanji untuk membekalkan 750 kawasan hotspot wifi secara percuma dengan hanya bergantung kepada pulangan pengiklanan bagi mendapatkan balik nilai pelaburan dan pengeluaran modal mereka. Kerajaan Negeri hanya membantu memudahkan Redtone dengan mengecualikan beberapa peraturan dalam pemasangan alat wifi ini.
750 kawasan hotspot wifi secara percuma ini telahpun dipasang sepenuhnya pada tahun ini di Pulau dan juga di Seberang Perai. Walau bagaimanapun Kerajaan Negeri amat menitik beratkan beberapa kawasan yang tidak diliputi dengan inisiatif wifi secara percuma ini seperti kawasan Parlimen Bukit Gelugor, Nibong Tebal, Kepala Batas dan Tasek Gelugor. Bukit Gelugor dan Nibong Tebal adalah kawasan Parlimen PR kedua-duanya.

Redtone menjelaskan bahawa keperluan komersial telah memaksa mereka memasang 750 kawasan hotspot wifi percuma hanya di kawasan yang boleh membawa keuntungan komersial (viability). Oleh kerana ini adalah tawaran pemasangan secara percuma oleh sebuah syarikat swasta, Kerajaan Negeri tidak dapat memaksa Redtone untuk meliputi seluruh kawasan di Pulau Pinang.

Untuk memperbaiki ketidakseimbangan ini dan memastikan liputan wifi merangkumi semua kawasan, Kerajaan Negeri telah berbincang dengan Redtone untuk mengadakan satu usaha sama denganya termasuk kawasan-kawansan yang tidak diberikan liputan wifi percuma sebelum ini. bagi pemasangan 750 kawasan hotspot lagi yang mana akan merangkumi semua kawasan di Pulau Pinang, termasuk kawasan-kawasan yang tertinggal yang disebut sebelum ini. Dalam kata lain, tambahan 750 kawasan hotspot wifi menjadikannya berjumlah 1,500 kawasan hotpsot wifi secara PERCUMA akan disediakan di Pulau Pinang apabila ianya siap sepenuhnya.

Niat baik Kerajaan Negeri untuk memastikan kesemua kawasan mendapat wifi secara percuma telah ditukar dan diputar belitkan dengan mengatakan bahawa Kerajaan PR telah mendiskriminasikan penyokong BN. Bagaimanakah Kerajaan PR dikatakan mendiskriminasikan penyokong BN sedangkan kawasan Parlimen Karpal Singh juga tidak diliputi oleh pemasangan wifi secara percuma pada peringkat pemasangan yang pertama? Adalah menjadi perkara lazim kepada media massa BN dan pemimpinnya yang mengamalkan ”double standard” dan suka membuat propaganda apabila Kerajaan PR dituduhkan mendiskriminasikan penyokong atau kawasan BN sedangkan niat Kerajaan PR adalah baik dan untuk memastikan semua kawasan mendapat wifi secara percuma.

Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Press Statement by Abdul Malik on Queensbay Hawkers


16 MAC 2011


Sebagai sebuah kerajaan berjiwa rakyat, adil untuk semua kaum, kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang akan membantu mana-mana pihak tanpa mengira kaum dan fahaman politik. Tiada dalam kamus kerajaan negeri untuk menganiaya mana-mana pihak, kerana itu bertentangan dengan prinsip pentadbiran kerajaan negeri Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang.

Namun, terdapat pihak-pihak tertentu mengambil kesempatan memutarbelit fakta, menabur fitnah dan memainkan isu perkauman sempit bertujuan memburukkan imej kerajaan negeri. Kejadian yang berlaku kepada peniaga dan penjaja van bergerak sekitar Pantai Queensbay, Bayan Baru, pada 15 Mac lalu sebagai contohnya .

Media Utusan Malaysia, menggambarkan berlaku penganiayaan kepada peniaga berkenaan, apabila pihak Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang (MPPP) melarang mereka menjalankan aktiviti perniagaan di sepanjang jalan pesisir pantai Queensbay.

Hakikatnya, selepas mendapat beberapa aduan daripada pengurusan Queensbay Mall dan orang ramai, mengenai kesesakan yang teruk berlaku di sepanjang jalan pesisir pantai Queens Bay, antara lain disebabkan oleh kebanjiran peniaga van bergerak, pihak MPPP telah menempatkan 10 anggota penguatkuasanya setiap hari bermula 1 Mac lalu.

Bukan bertujuan untuk menyaman atau merampas barangan peniaga, tetapi bagi memastikan kelicinan lalu lintas, di samping menjaga kebersihan persekitaran. Pihak berkuasa sememangnya tidak membenarkan sebarang bentuk perniagaan di sepanjang pesisir jalan berkenaan. Lebih-lebih lagi musim cuti sekolah di mana Pulau Pinang dibanjiri pelancong dari dalam dan luar negara yang akan menyumbang kesesakan yang sedia ada.

Saya difahamkan pada 2009, pihak MPPP telah mengedarkan borang kaji selidik kepada para peniaga terbabit, bertujuan untuk menempatkan mereka di sebuah kawasan tertentu, tetapi tidak mendapat maklum balas positif daripada peniaga.

Namun, sebelum kejadian 15 Mac lalu, saya bersama ADUN Pantai Jerjak YB Sim Tze Tze sedang mengadakan perbincangan dengan pihak tertentu untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah para peniaga tersebut. Setakat ini, perbincangan masih berjalan dengan beberapa alternatif sedang diperhalusi.

Berhubung kenyataan fitnah oleh Aminah Abdullah terhadap saya, dalam Utusan Malaysia 16 Mac 2011, saya mengakui ada menerima panggilan telefon daripada beliau mengenai perkara itu. Sebelum itupun saya telah dimaklumkan oleh salah seorang pegawai saya . Ekoran itu, saya telah menghubungi Setiausaha MPPP, Ir Ang Aing Thye meminta pihaknya menangani perkara itu secara berhemah dan seperti biasa menasihati para peniaga di situ.

Saya menafikan sekeras-sekerasnya, fitnah oleh Aminah yang kononnya saya mengarahkan para peniaga hadir ke Bahagian Pelesenan MPPP semalam ( 15 Mac 2011) untuk menyelesaikan masalah mereka. Saya mempunyai pegawai yang komited dengan tugas membantu rakyat, dan tidak memerlukan seseorang seperti Aminah yang cuba berlagak menjadi hero rakyat, tapi sebenarnya hanyalah seorang yang ‘bancrupt’ politik.

Sebagai sebuah kerajaan berjiwa rakyat, kerajaan negeri tidak akan menganiaya rakyat. Saya akan membantu para peniaga tersebut, dan akan mengadakan pertemuan dengan mereka dalam masa yang terdekat. Ini janji saya dan tekad saya sebagai hamba rakyat Pulau Pinang.

Hj Abdul Malik Kassim

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dr. Joyce Lee's Response to Show Cause Letter

8 March 2011

Dear Disciplinary Committee Chairman Dato’ Dr. Tan Kee Kwong

RE: Response to Show Cause Letter

Your Ref: SUA2011/SKR/JKD/0356

In response to your show cause letter dated 7 March 2011 about the alleged statements I made on Facebook that hurt the image of Party, Ketua Umum, Deputy President and Central Leadership Council (MPP).


First of all, Facebook is a social network site for friendship, common interest, beliefs, knowledge sharing, and Facebook friends are by invitation only. The conversations I had on my Facebook wall with families and friends are similar to the private conversations I had at my house. Is it logic for PKR to ask all its members to officially explain every private conversation they had at their houses eavesdropping by someone outside the window? In which eavesdropper seldom hear anything good of themselves.

Statements I made on Facebook

“Azmin is anak angkat Mahatir, he has never stayed away from UMNO in terms of connections, so to enjoy “money” dropping from the sky…”

This is a fact that Azmin Ali is the adopted son of Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali (the wife of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad), and there is closed tie between the family of Azmin’s father and the family of Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali. Can Azmin Ali explain his imported car business which is still in operation till now, in which APs are only given to the selected few in UMNO? Why there is no one (even UMNO) makes noise about Azmin to continue enjoying APs and to continue with his imported car business?

“90% of MPP are without credibility that won because of jumped on the dirty bandwagon of Azmin. Anwar could turn 2010 PKR election as a milestone in the Malaysian political history, but he choose to make it an universal laughing stock because of Azmin. Big price to pay!”

The fact that there is fraud renders the whole election process a sham. MPP Christina Liew mentioned the irregularities in the polls in several Sabah divisions (Malaysiakini dated 12 November 2010, Press conferences were hold and memorandums were submitted by Mustaffa Kamil Ayub, Chegubard (Badrul Hisham Shaharin) and Dato’ Zaid Ibrahim (Malaysiakini dated 12 November 2010,, in which President Dato’ Seri Dr. Wan Azizah promised malpractices in the party elections conduct would be thoroughly probed (Malaysiakini dated 12 November 2010, Even Ketua Umum Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim admitted flaws in polls and vowed sweeping probe (Malaysiakini dated 28 November 2010, During the PKR congress in November 2010, Secretary-General Saifuddin Nasution said that the report on the investigations on the allegations would be made two weeks after the congress (The Sun Daily dated 27 December 2010,, in which we’re still waiting for the report.

“Why should PKR members bother about their KPIs? Seeing the fact that PKR Deputy President “menang by tipu”, PKR Election Director, PKR Parliamentarian Whip, ADUN Bukit Antarabangsa, MP Gombak, Ketua Cabang Gombak cum PPN Selangor didn’t even pass his KPIs.”

How can someone like Azmin Ali who flunked his own KPIs, accused of being aloof and lacking the grassroots’ touch be effective in constituency service and grassroots rapport, as well as be leadership by example? (Free Malaysia Today dated 21 February 2011, PKR has a pool of qualified leaders. We need rational explanation from top leader why non-performing Azmin is appointed with so many important party posts? Also, please study the feedback of many blog news readers, PKR members and Azmin’s constituents about the bad public perception he has.

Deterioration of Party Image

I would like to stress that as a member of ADIL since its inception, what I said/say is purely due to the love for our Party and Country, as well as the passion to bring about real change for the betterment of Malaysian politics. I am not against the Party, but I indignantly denounce the selfish and wicked individuals/leaders that damaged the party’s image and wrecked the Hope of the People. Can MPP make impartial and appropriate group decision when it contains so many individuals who played tag together each other in obtaining the MPP posts by fraudulent means during the party election? Therefore, the quality and credibility of the existing MPP and the so-called collective party leadership are seriously in doubt. This will definitely have a detrimental effect on PKR/PR, because we can’t expect the majority one-sided MPP to field vetted and credible candidates for GE13, especially if there is no proper implementation of Candidates Selection Criteria and KPI ratings. We can’t see the leadership lineup formed after the notorious party election can help to clean our Party’s name in producing many frogs and non-performing YBs.

To say again, the Facebook comment is similar to private conversation with friends, and my opinion was not targeting the general public. It should not, therefore be considered an offence as it would be if I gave a press conference, appeared on TV or wrote to a mainstream newspaper. So, on what ground I am accused to deliberately damage the image of Party?

Culprits who actually damaged the Image of Party and the unity of Members:

1) Zuraida Kamaruddin

Talking about Facebook, what action has been taken on Women Chief Zuraida Kamaruddin so far (she used MCMC, an UMNO agency to oppress our own PKR member by curbing freedom of expression on Facebook)? Ketua Umum Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim in his email reply dated 3 December 2010 suggested Zuraida to be referred to Disciplinary Committee (please find the attached copy of the email communication).

Also, what is the disciplinary action taken on Zuraida for instructing her agents to unethically “misplace” many MATWC Meeting Minutes and MPWP 2010-2013 candidates’ nomination forms (please find the attached complaint letter of Wanita Cabang Batu Kawan to Central Elections Committee Head Dr. Molly Cheah, c.c. Secretary-General Saifuddin Nasution dated 14 October 2010)? Further to that, did Disciplinary Committee take action on Zuraida for openly sabotaging a free and fair party election and her blatant lies to the media that she won the Women Chief post without contest on 15 October 2010 (attached herewith copy of Nanyang Siang Pau) before the nomination dateline 16 October 2010? In actual fact there were four qualified Women Chief candidates and a 3-corner-fight for the top Women Wing post.

2) Azmin Ali

Azmin Ali has vowed to start his witch-hunt instead of calling all party members to close rank right after “winning” deputy presidency unofficially (Malaysiakini dated 22 November 2011, What is the disciplinary action taken on Azmin for going to the media to openly damage the image of Party, as well as to demoralize and disunite the party members?

3) Mansor Othman

Vice President Mansor Othman told the media that PKR has started its spring cleaning to clear all the dissenting voices before the forthcoming general election (Nanyang Siang Pau dated 25 January 2011). Even my name and photo was published in the January’s paper suggesting I would be one of them to receive show-cause letter, in which I actually received it now in March. Is this the pre-planned witch-hunt as Azmin and gang vowed to? Also, it is another blatant example of going to the media to divide party members and to injure party’s image. Any stern action is taken on Mansor Othman?

All in all, it is no exaggeration for Party members to call Azmin and gang hypocrites and arrogant asses, after all the damages they have done to our beloved Party. Don’t tell us no action taken on the evildoers associated with the party election frauds, witch-hunt and disintegration of party forces before GE13 is a “deal” and an overture to push PKR/PR to electoral doom? I hope party leadership can also explain the alleged “deal” between PKR top leader with Prime Minister Najib Rajak to stand acquitted on the charge which is widely spreading now.

PS = I believe Dato’ Tan can understand the contents of Nanyang Siang Pau and can help to translate to the Disciplinary Committee Members.

Thank you.

Yours truly,

Dr. Joyce Lee Yueh Choo

c.c. Secretary-General Saifuddin Nasution

Thursday, March 3, 2011

'Teohlogy' arrives in Penang

Ex-Radio DJ Patrick Teoh was at Gurney Plaza, Penang last weekend to promote his newly launched book called “Teohlogy, the word according to Patrick Teoh”.

‘Teohlogy’ is a compilation of articles that Patrick wrote for the “Off-The Edge” column about six years back. Written from a first-person’s perspective ala Patrick Teoh, ‘Teohlogy’ is unabashedly penned with wit, sarcasm together with a liberal amount of stinging humour. A book reviewer described the book as ‘ascerbic’.

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng dropped by to congratulate Patrick for his book. When the representative from Popular Bookstore pinned an orchid corsage onto the shirt of the CM, the100-odd crowd responded just as directed and rehearsed by Patrick: “Huwah… so cute!”

During his speech, Patrick commented that Penang had become so clean and nice that he felt like he was in a different country the moment he crossed the Penang Bridge. Just as Patrick was praising the Chief Minister for his good management, the crowd rose to give the CM a standing ovation.

Patrick also expressed wishes to sell enough books so that he could purchase a piece of property here in Penang.

“Penang property prices are so expensive,” he quipped.

Comparing his sales to a book that Dr. Mahathir just released, he revealed that Dr. M had managed to sell 40,000 copies to date, whereas he targets to make the millionth mark.

‘Teohlogy’ is a fun read to those who are interested in the local political scene.

“As you read page to page, there is a familiarity about this book. In each article, that familiarity comes off the pages because they are the everyday concerns of everyday Malaysian,” said Lim Guan Eng.

The 303-pages book is priced at RM38.00 each and is available in bookstores nationwide.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

'Halal Penang' takes on globally

The Penang state government intends to make its mark on the map of the Islamic world through providing an all-encompassing halal solution – from Islamic manufacturing to Islamic financing, in all sectors like food and beverages, pharmaceuticals and even banking.

Today, Penang successfully launched her 3-day “2nd International Halal Exposition” at the Penang International Sports Arena (PISA). The ‘Halal Conference’ will take place the following day.

Spearheading the bold initiative of the ‘Halal Penang’ is Haji Abdul Malik Kassim, the State Minister for Religious Affairs and Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs.

‘Halal Penang’, the State’s facilitation agency was awarded ‘Best Halal Facility Provider’ in a recent excellence award presentation held in conjunction with the International Islamic Tourism & Halal Week (IISTHAL) 2009 in Kuala Lumpur. Today, ‘Halal Penang’ is recipient to the prestigious ‘HALMAS’ status, an acclaimed and privileged status by the Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC).

“This represents a huge leap for ‘Halal Penang’ in terms of domestic and international recognition,” proudly declared Haji Abdul Malik.

Although fairly a new kid on the block, established just 18 months ago, the ambitious ‘Halal Penang’ has been actively participating on a global scale; a move that has attracted many prospective investors from as far as India, Yemen, Wales, Iran, Pakistan, China and even Russia.

Located within the Bukit Minyak Industrial zone, in Seberang Perai, some 50 acres of land has been designated to host the Penang International Halal Park. Talks of collaboration with research institutes and universities in the region are underway in a bid to realize an International R & D Halal Centre here.

As Malaysia has long been associated with quality and trusted halal certification due to Islam being its official religion, it is only natural that Penang – the second largest city in the country engage in adopting all available resources to further enhance the country’s capacity in offering such services.

The International Penang Halal Hub caters to a largely untapped global halal market that is estimated to be a US$3 trillion industry. Halal certification is a quality control that validates a product’s compliance according to Islamic guidelines.

“Penang wants a share of it,” confessed Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, in conclusion that Penang has the infrastructure and amenities to facilitate a world standard halal hub; especially so with a government that adopts and implements the CAT principles – Competency, Accountability and Transparency.

Lim Guan Eng also revealed that to date, Penang has RM215 million in investments with regards to the ‘Halal Penang’ initiative and a total of 331 certified halal companies. These include ‘green’ businesses that manufacture bio-degradable and eco-packaging items.

“Special incentives and tax rebates are among the features of the halal hub,” assured Haji Abdul Malik, adding that non-muslims are also able to partake in such investments.

CM Lim explains FOI bill

A Select Committee was set up by the Penang State Government to look into matters pertaining to the Freedom of Information (FOI) Bill comprising of 6 members including three from UMNO.

However, the State’s effort in mediating middle ground to get public feedback was thwarted as all three members from UMNO failed to attend the two full-day meetings with the various organizations from all around Penang; citing reasons like having other meetings and falling sick. The meetings were slated for 14th and 21st of February.

The Penang FOI Bill was copied en bloc from the current Selangor FOI Bill.

According to Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng, this was because the State Legal Advisor had initially opposed the proposal of an FOI Bill claiming that it was unconstitutional. Regardless, Penang followed suit soon after the Selangor FOI was passed and tabled the bill for first reading at the State Assembly.

Lim said that the State Legal Advisor had claimed that information is a federal jurisdiction and not under the purview of the State.

“When it is unconstitutional it cannot be tabled at the state assembly,” Lim pointed out.

“…the tabling of the bill must also have the concurrence of the State Legal Advisor. When Selangor passed the bill, we asked the State Legal Advisor that ‘if Selangor can do it, why can’t we?’”

“It was only then that she agreed and it was only then that in order to avoid the bill not being tabled at the State Assembly; we adopted in total the Selangor FOI bill,” he continued, contending that this was a window of opportunity to get the co-operation of the State Legal Advisor.

Lim agrees that the Selangor FOI bill has its shortcoming and needs some improvement. He explained that that was the reason why the State set up a Select Committee to get feedback from the public – so that the State Assembly is able to make the necessary amendments thereafter.

He also reiterated the State’s reason for not first getting public feedback before tabling the bill at the State Assembly as such a move would only be met with disapproval, since it would still ‘seem’ unconstitutional at such a time.

“That is also why we adopted the Selangor FOI bill 100%, to avoid being unconstitutional,” he added.

Lim questions the sincerity of BN with regards to the FOI bill saying that if they were sincere they would have presented it in parliament.

Members from the state opposition party had expressed dissatisfaction over certain clauses in the Penang FOI bill, claiming that it curbed information rather than allowing it.

“We are sincere in pushing this (FOI) through. That is why we are getting public feedback instead of just passing the bill,” Lim emphasized, asserting that the State Government practices ‘participatory democracy’ as promised, yet they were being criticized.

In closing, Lim reprimanded the opposition for confusing the public and for being a hypocrite. He also challenges them to pass the FOI act in parliament.

“Beranikah? Beranikah?” Lim poses the question to Gerakan and MCA. (“Do you dare to? Do you dare to?”)

Silat Lincah unites

Unity was the central theme in an event sponsored by the Bayan Baru Independent Member of Parliament, Zahrain Mohamed Hashim.

Happily unaware of the blazing sun, 200 ‘Silat Lincah’ martial artists demonstrated their skills in the presense of the founder of the Silat Lincah Association (PSSLM), Haji Omardin Mauju, some VIPs and the public last week at the football field opposite PISA, in Sungai Ara, Penang.

Although the association was registered only in 1969, it was already active in 1963; and has 22 branches all over the world with about 1.2 million members worldwide; of which 30,000 are foreign. Among the countries that PSSLM has laid foot on are England, Belgium, New Zealand, Holland, France, Madagascar and South Korea.
Megat Zulkarnian, son of its founder said: In Penang, its branch started in 1972 at the Custom’s Village in Bukit Gelugor. Presently the Penang branch boasts of 210,000 members.

Its founder, Haji Omardin was awarded the ‘Living Legend of Silat’ by the International Association of Educators World Peace in 2008.

“Why go for taekwondo or karate when we have ‘Silat Lincah’?,” Zahrain reminded the crowd of spectators.

“This Malay tradition must be kept alive,” he continued, urging the Malays to regain the Malay pride through the martial art.

PSSLM opens its membership to all races.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Press Statement by Chow Kon Yeow 7 Feb 2011

This morning I have directed the President of the Penang Island Municipal Council Hajah Patahiyah Ismail and officials to speed up restructuring activities in Batu Feringghi.

The MPPP President will be meeting water sports operators this Friday to work out solutions on the zoning proposal in Batu Feringghi.

Meanwhile, the MPPP will continue to enforce the ban on horse-riding, quadbike riding and water sport activities.

Penang State Government Will Speed Up Restructuring Of Activities

In Batu Feringghi During The Ban

The ban will allow the MPPP to engage with all stakeholders, work on the installation of safety buoys and nettings and the licensing of beach operators.

The MPPP has been able to reduce horse-riding and quadbike activities since the ban took effect last December.

The gazebos to relocate foot reflexology operators are near completion and traders will be issued licenses after the Chinese New Year holidays.

Chow Kon Yeow


11 FEBRUARY 2011, 2PM

This community newsletter – myBalikPulau was published with just one intention: to enable children, elders and local residents to engage with their communal space by sharing memories, legends and experiences.

Arts-ED wishes to make it very clear that the newsletter MyBalik Pulau is NOT intended in any way to be a definitive history, or be used as a history book.

The MyBalikPulau newsletter only presents oral histories as accounted by residents of Balik Pulau as well as includes information on Balik Pulau from published sources, which were available to the researchers at the time of writing. Information not available at that time to the researchers was not included.

The oral histories represent stories from persons who were interested and willing to share their stories. Care was taken to engage with all community and ethnic groups. There were those who were happy to share and others who declined; thus their views could not be represented in this newsletter.

Oral histories are a reflection of memories, experiences, and stories passed from generation to generation. They are an articulation of the teller’s perceptions, and choice of words and illustrations.

Arts-ED is dedicated to social inclusiveness and believes that everyone has a right to tell their generational stories and pass on their memories.

Sources of Balik Pulau History adapted for use in the myBa
likPulau newsletter:

1. At the time of the writing of the myBalikPulau paper, the research assistants from Arts-ED only had access to a collection of oral histories published by Pentadbiran Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah Daerah Barat Daya, in a bicentennial catalogue celebrating 100 years of the Balik Pulau District Administration 1987.

2. Besides other useful legends and stories in the above publication, information on early history of Balik Pulau was adapted from one of the articles in the publication “Sejarah Penghijrahan Penduduk-Penduduk Awal Balik Pulau” by Ruhana Ahmad. Among the information the writer concluded about residents from the oral histories collected was:

“Hampir keseluruhan penduduk-penduduk asal yang ditemui di sekitar Balik Pulau mengakui bahawa asal-usul keturunan mereka ialah dari Pattani, Satul, Yala, Kedah dan Perlis”.(pp. 14)

3. Information relating to mass migration in 1820s in the myBalikPulau newsletter is put together from the following written history publication:

i) Haji Buyong Adil. (1980). Sejarah Kedah. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka &
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (pp. 53-71)

ii) Andaya, B. W. and L.Y. Andaya (1982). A History of Malaysia. London: Macmillan
Press. (pp. 116-118)

4. Information relating to the events, history and biography of buildings/people/personalities are sourced specifically from Balik Pulau residents and institutional in-house publications.

A second known published ‘oral history’ was recently made known to Arts-ED in the month of February 2011 after the publication and distribution of myBalikPulau newsletter. Arts-ED is dedicated to the collection of oral histories and we welcome any new information which we believe should be publicized and incorporated in any new archives produced by us or by any other parties.

Vaughan, J.D. “Notes on the Malays of Pinang and Province Wellesley”. Journal of the Indian Archipelago & Eastern Asia, new series, 2, 1858: 115-175. (

Vaughan’s article is translated in a 2006 USM research report entitled “Sejarah Awal Pulau Pinang”, available on-line ( Sejarah_Awal_Pulau_Pinang.pdf)

“Dengan dasar sedemikian, permintaan untuk membuka tanah terus diterima oleh orang Melayu dan bukan Melayu. Orang Melayu yang datang bersama-sama Francis Light dari Kedah diberikan tanah percuma di kawasan Datok Keramat, mungkin kerana pengaruh Datok Setia dari Kuala Muda yang memiliki tanah di kawasan tersebut sejak awal lagi. Kapten Scott diberikan kawasan di Gelugor dan membuka tanah untuk penanaman lada hitam di kawasan tersebut. Seorang saudagar Inggeris bernama Bacon membuka Ayer Itam. Beberapa orang Melayu juga disebut membuka beberapa kampong di bahagian barat daya. Pah Kechil dari Batu Bara (Indonesia) bersama-sama Jamaluddin dan nakhoda Che Salleh dari Lingga membuka Permatang Damar Laut,Nakhoda Seedin dari Deli dan Panglima Long dari Setul membuka Teluk Kumbar, dan Lebai Tampak dari Deli membuka Balik Pulau (pp.38-39)”

Original article by Vaughan, J.D: Vaughan transcribes an oral history told by one of the off-springs of an early Malay settler named ‘Haji Mahomed Salleh or Haji Brunie (a native of Brunie who had just returned from Arabia and was waiting at Quala Prye for a vessel bound for Borneo’) .

The original transcription of the oral history actually carries only one line related to Balik Pulau and mentions TWO persons involved in the clearing of land in Balik Pulau:

“The Malays that came over with Light got free grants of land and they cleared the jungle where Datu Cramat now stands. Seven years after the English came, a person name Danbie Chand cleared the land about Batu Lanchang. Two years after a Captain Scott cleared the land at Glughore; he was assisted by a man named Mahomed Prie of
Sungora. Nacodah Intan cleared Batu Uban. A year after an European named Raboo(?) assisted by a Malay named Hakim Tudoh cleared Sunghie Nibong. A Malay named Loh Munu cleared Sunghie Kluang.Haji Mahomad Salleh three years after this, or about twelve after coming to Pinang, settled at Bayan Lepas with a man named Long Syed…(cont.) Nacodah Seedin, a native of Delhi, and Panglima Long of Sittool first
settled at Tellok Commber. Tukong Ko of Purlis and Lebbi Tampak of Delhie, cleared
Bali Pulo. (pp.174 -175)”


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Press Statement by Penang Gerakan State Chairman Dato’ Dr Teng Hock Nan

Press Statement by Penang Gerakan State Chairman Dato’ Dr Teng Hock Nan pertaining to the incident of distribution of flyers bearing
a doctored photograph which is showing YAB Lim Guan Eng, Chief Minister of Penang wearing a kopiah (skullcap)

Dato’ Dr Teng Hock Nan condemns the irresponsible, unethical and the despicable act of doctored photograph of YAB Lim Guan Eng,Chief Minister of Penang wearing a skullcap.

The people behind, he said is just to get political mileage through this means. Smearing each others name in politics should not be our culture. Dr Teng urges those people who are behind the act should stop it immediately.

He hopes all politicians and leaders of the country whether they are in the government or in the opposition should practice politics in the very honorable, ethical and professional manner, so as to show a good example to our future generation.

Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Komtar, George Town On 16.2.2011

Penang State Government Establishes A New State Executive Council(EXCO) Portfolio For Non-Islamic Religious Affairs To Handle Religious Matters Relating To Buddhists, Christians, Sikhism, Taoism & Hinduism.

The Penang state government has established a new State Executive Council portfolio for non-Islamic Affairs to handle religious matters relating to Buddhists, Christians, Sikhism, Taoism & Hinduism. This is the first time that a state executive council portfolio has been formed in Penang and the EXCO member in charge will be the Chief Minister.

The State EXCO for Non-Islamic Religious Affairs was presented by Deputy Chief Minister II Professor Dr P. Ramasamy to the weekly state EXCO meeting and approved last week. Professor Dr P. Ramasamy will be the deputy in this non-Islamic Affairs EXCO portfolio.

The establishment of the non-Islamic Religious Affairs portfolio marks the celebration of the World Interfaith Harmony Week by the United Nations this week. Unlike the Federal Government’s Committee for the Promotion of Inter-religious Understanding and Harmony, this is not a committee but a full EXCO portfolio and reflects the state government’s genuine concerns on all religious matters.

Further as a George Town is a UNESCO World Heritage city, the formation of this EXCO portfolio is timely as it promotes diversity and positive human interaction on cultural, religious and social spheres. Despite our differences, we are united by our common aspirations for good practices and universal moral values of peace, justice, moderation and harmony. Co-operation not confrontation, mutual respect not tolerance, and understanding not ignorance will be the governing creed of this new Penang EXCO portfolio.

Penang is willing to work with the Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak’s who had expressed hopes at the United Nations’ 65th general assembly last year, during which he said he did not want any extremist or militant groups to threaten unity and security in Malaysia. The Penang state government is concerned at the existence of extremist groups who seeks to racialise every event for their own selfish interests. Penang has been under siege with attacks of being anti-Malay even if it only involves only 10% Malays or one Malay out of 10 affected parties.

The Penang state government calls on the people to embrace the future by embracing every Malay, Indian, Chinese, Kadazan and Iban, as Malaysian brothers and sisters, Malaysian sons and daughters.

Then only can we grow together, learn together and enjoy the success together.


Press Statement by YB Dr Xavier Jayakumar, Selangor State EXCO and State Assemblyman for Seri Andalas


I salute the move taken by YAB Lim Guan Eng and the Penang state government in forming an official portfolio for non-muslim affairs, it is an effort that is to be commended.

The central aim and objectives of the Committee for non-muslim affairs is to promote greater inter-faith understanding and build strong working relationships between all non-muslim religious bodies and the state governments.

For example, Selangor’s non-muslim committee is jointly chaired by myself, YB Teresa Kok and YB Ronnie Liew, along with four other ADUNs, 7 representatives of the main non-muslim religious bodies and various other government department representatives including reps from District Offices, JAIS, JKR, JPS and PTG.

The Barisan National government should welcome the initiatives taken by the Penang state government and not feel threatened. Furthermore, it was only 3 days ago that the “PM hailed the government’s interfaith sub-committee as key in creating a common understanding and having constructive dialogue among the different religious groups in the country.”(Malaysian Insider, 14, Feb 2011)

In light of his comments it is highly regrettable and irresponsible of the Government to allow the
Utusan to make such a racially provoking statement against the non-muslim portfolio established by a Pakatan Rakyat state.

It is the responsibility of everyone to promote greater comprehension and tolerance of all the different faiths in Malaysia. We must not resort to racial and religious politics in order to fulfill political aims.

Dr Xavier Jayakumar

17 February 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Komtar, George Town On 13.2.2011.

Penang Willing To Be Briefed By Pemandu To Co-ordinate And Co-operate On Successfully Implementing The 95 Entry Points Projects(EPPs) In Penang Over The Next 10 Years.

Penang welcomes the assurances in yesterday’s Bernama by the Performance Management and Delivery Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department or Pemandu that Penang has not been left out of the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). The Penang state government is willing to meet and be briefed by Pemandu on the 95 entry points projects (EPPs) to co-ordinate and co-operate on its successful implementation in Penang over the next 10 years within 11 National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs).

So far the state government had not received any details of where the 95 EPPs supposed to be located in Penang and what type of EPPs are they. Apart from the Tourism and the Electrical & Electronic NKEA revealed by Pemandu, what are the other NKEA identified?

Neither did Pemandu revealed the amount of investments investments, the increase in per capita Gross National Income(GNI) nor the number of jobs expected to be created. In contrast, when 19 EPP was unveiled last month, Pemandu disclosed that a total of RM67 billion in investments would generate a per capita GNI of RM 35 billion and generate 35,000 jobs.

It is wrong for Pemandu to reject the proportional approach to determine the amount of investment that a state is entitled to. If the ETP is a focused, inclusive and sustainable initiative that will transform Malaysia into a high-income nation by 2020, then there must be at least one EPP in each of the 13 states in Malaysia, excluding Federal Territory. Not a single EPP out of the 19 EPP announced last month was located in Penang.

How can the ETP be inclusive and share the wealth of the country with all segments of the population, whether urban or rural, regardless of gender and in all regions, if Penang is left out? Further how can the 95 EPPs promised for Penang over the next 10 years be successfully implemented and completed without the co-operation of the state government?

The Penang state government should be fully informed and not kept in the dark. To only know through the media that there are 95 EPPs over the next 10 years after being compelled to highlight publicly the perceived neglect of Penang is distressing and does not lend confidence to its professional execution. Execution is key and requires full disclosure which not only promotes transparency but also engagement with all stakeholders. The Penang people has a right to know the full details of the 95 EPPs promised, and not see it being wrapped up in some mysterious dark secrets.


Heritage George Town celebrates

A stroll down the streets of inner George Town will instantaneously sweep anyone away into the bygone era and indulge them the kaleidoscope of nostalgic feel, charm and reminiscence that only few would have experienced firsthand. Known as the Chinatown of Penang, she is nestled within the bustling city that surrounds it; unperturbed by the modern structures and recently acquired fashionable lifestyles that stand alongside these quaint but characteristic architecture.

And though it might be just too simplistic to brush it off as just an old and forgotten part of town, the once famous trading post of the East is surely regaining its lustre and notoriety with scurrying activities once again. Even more so as George Town was declared as a UNESCO Heritage Site since three years ago.

The vicinity around Armenian Street and Cannon Street sprang to life the past weekend as George Town hosted its annual Chinese New Year cultural and heritage celebrations. Antiquated rows of pre-war buildings line the narrow streets – some already restored and refurbished and some still as rickety and dilapidated.

Occupants of these heritage houses moved out when the Rent Control Act was repealed in 2000. The Rent Control Act states that under no circumstances should these heritage buildings be demolished or altered in any way; and as this act also prohibited owners from raising the rental, these buildings were poorly maintained for economic reasons. However, as soon as the act was repealed, property prices just kept going up and are worth very much more than it was before.

Clan Associations too opened their doors and brightened up in anticipation of receiving visitors from all around the world. Strings of Chinese lanterns lit up the entire area and stage performances were held at every street corner. Cultural dances, cultural exhibitions, drums, gongs, and an array hawker fare kept revellers busy and entertained.

One of the Clan houses exhibited Traditional Chinese medical practices like acupuncture and pulse points. Another Clan house held singing competition and booths showcasing traditional foods like “Kong Th’ng” (sugar-candy) and “Muar Chee” (sweetened glutinous rice covered with grounded nuts).

Chinese characters in costumes played out their parts in theatrical scenes. There were also facemask changing performances – a very specialized and closely guarded secret that was once performed only by those who learnt it in sworn secrecy.

Another interesting traditional Chinese art that was eye-catching was of women getting their faces cleaned using tightened strings. The therapist used two loops of strings and entangles them in a way that coaxes the strings into a propeller sort, and then places them onto the customer’s face to clear away the dead cells.

Along the way, some makeshift stalls sold custom-made beaded shoes that were worn by the early settlers, also known as the Straits Chinese. There were also craftsmen who sold carved signboards. A rabbit corner was also purposely set up as this happens to be the ‘year of the rabbit’ according the Chinese calendar. The fortune teller added to the authenticity of the celebration.

At the youth’s corner, children dressed up as human chess pieces moved about in a game of Chinese Chess. There were also martial arts performances, lion dances and dragon dances.

“Cai Sin Yah” or God or Prosperity paraded the streets giving out red packets – as a gesture of good luck; and rabbit mascots too, to give out sweets to passers-by, especially children.

A mock traditional Chinese wedding complete with its sedan chair was also on display. Curious spectators took turns for the opportunity to sit in the sedan to take photographs.

The people of Penang from all walks of life thronged the usually quite streets and jostled their way around through the huge crowd that turned up that night. Tourists caught unaware of the ongoing festival were pleasantly surprised by the beautiful and colourful display of fireworks that marked the finale of the celebration. The gaiety and carnival-like atmosphere can hardly be missed as the loudspeakers blared music from all sides.

Even as one leaves the carnival, he will be reminded of being transported temporarily back into olden China as the drums, gongs and fireworks grow fainter and fainter into the distance. George Town is truly a living museum.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gangguan bekalan air di P.Pinang pada 28 Disember

PENANG, 21/12/2010: Orang ramai di negeri Pulau Pinang dinasihatkan hari ini untuk membuat persiapan bagi menyimpan air yang mencukupi untuk kegunaan pada 28 Disember 2010.

Ketua Menteri Y.A.B Lim Guan Eng mengingatkan orang ramai untuk bersedia menghadapi gangguan bekalan air berkala kerana Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang (PBAPP) perlu menjalankan kerja-kerja penting untuk penaiktarafan dan penyelenggaraan di beberapa loji rawatan air dan paip agihan di negeri Pulau Pinang.

Beliau berkata kebanyakan kawasan di Negeri Pulau Pinang akan mengalami gangguan selama 12 jam, dari jam 7.00 pagi sehingga 7.00 malam. Gertak Sanggul & Teluk Kumbar mungkin mengalami gangguan selama 24 jam (dari jam 7.00 pagi 28.12.2010 hingga 7.00 pagi 29.12.2010) kerana kawasan-kawasan ini terletak di hujung rangkaian paip agihan.

Kawasan-kawasan yang berdekatan dengan loji rawatan air yang sedia ada seperti Air Itam, Balik Pulau, Batu Ferringhi, Penang Hill, Tanjung Bungah, Tanjong Tokong dan Teluk Bahang tidak akan terlibat dengan gangguan ini. (Sila rujuk kepada peta yang disertakan.)

Kebanyakan kilang-kilang dan bangunan tinggi di dalam kawasan yang terlibat mempunyai tangki simpanan air untuk menampung penggunaan sekurang-kurangnya 24 jam. Rumahrumah persendirian juga kebanyakannya mempunyai tangki simpanan air.

“Mereka yang tiada tangki simpanan air di rumah masing-masing dinasihatkan untuk membuat persediaan untuk menyimpan air bagi kegunaan asas seperti air minuman, memasak dan dalam tandas. Sila siapkan simpanan air sebelum jam 7.00 pagi.” kata Y.A.B. Lim.

“Kita sedar yang gangguan ini akan menyebabkan sedikit kesulitan untuk orang ramai di Pulau Pinang. Walau bagaimanapun, kerja-kerja ini perlu dijalankan untuk mengekalkan pembekalan air yang baik secara berterusan kerana penggunaan air telahpun meningkat.”

“PBAPP perlu menghentikan operasi di Loji Rawatan Sungai Dua selama 12 jam untuk melaksanakan empat kerja utama di loji ini pada 28 Disember 2010. Tiga lagi kerja utama akan dilaksanakan di Bukit Dumbar; simpang antara Jalan Sungai Dua dan Jalan Pekan Darat; dan Jalan Bukit Tengah,” tambah beliau lagi.

“Kita berharap orang ramai di negeri Pulau Pinang faham bahawa kesulitan ini akan memberi manfaat jangka panjang dengan mengurangkan risiko berlakunya gangguan air yang tidak dijadualkan, kekurangan air atau tekanan air rendah di masa hadapan.” kata Y.A.B Lim.

Y.A.B. Lim menyatakan tarikh 28 Disember dipilih sebagai tarikh yang paling sesuai untuk mengurangkan kesan gangguan bekalan.

“28 Disember ialah hari bekerja dimana kebanyakan orang ramai bercuti hujung tahun; dan kebanyakan kilang-kilang tidak beroperasi pada tahap maksima.

“Oleh kerana skop, jenis dan juga skala kerja-kerja yang perlu dijalankan pada 28 Disember, ianya perlu dilakukan pada siang hari. PBAPP juga perlu mengambilkira aspek keselamatan pekerja dan orang ramai. Lebih kurang 300 pekerja PBAPP akan terlibat untuk memastikan kerja-kerja ini dijalankan dengan sempurna dan mengikut jadual.” jelas beliau lagi.

Y.A.B. Lim juga menyatakan bahawa Kerajaan Negeri meluluskan tarikh ini pada akhir bulan Oktober 2010, dan PBAPP telah memaklumkan hal ini kepada semua pengguna utama dan kritikal.

PBAPP juga telah memaklumkan hal ini secara rasmi kepada semua Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri, jabatan dan agensi kerajaan (termasuk Jabatan Bomba), hotel-hotel serta hospital mengenai gangguan sejak awal bulan Disember.

“Ini bukan kali pertama terdapatnya gangguan air berkala seperti ini diadakan, dan kali terakhir ia dijalankan ialah pada tahun 2006.

“Semua badan yang menyediakan perkhidmatan kritikal seperti hospital dan Bomba mestilah mempunyai rancangan kontingensi untuk menghadapi gangguan 12 jam ini.

Organisasi berkenaan sepatutnya mempunyai rancangan sebegini bukan sekadar untuk 28 Disember, malah ianya lebih penting untuk mengatasi gangguan air yang tidak dijadualkan.” kata beliau.

Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut mengenai gangguan bekalan air pada 28 Disember 2010, sila hubungi Pusat Panggilan Pelanggan PBAPP 24-jam melalui talian 04-509 6 509.

Sg. Nibong Fire causes excitement among local politicians

Suspected faulty electrical wiring may have caused two families to lose their homes in a fire that broke out yesterday afternoon at Sungai Nibong Tengah, near the Shell station at Sunshine Square in Bayan Baru. No casualties were reported.

"The fire was put under control within 20 minutes. The cause of the fire is still under investigation," said Arifuddin Atis, the chief fireman.

Arifuddin also confirmed that the Jalan Tengah fire station received a call from the public at 2:29 p.m., and that the fire engines arrived at the scene in less than five minutes.

“..I saw smoke coming out of his house and immediately dialled 999,” said Mohd Rashid Hasnon, representing the state assemblyman for Pantai Jerejak, Sim Tze Tzin.

Sim presented RM1500 each to the two families today.

"The financial aid is from my allocation, Tabung TYT and Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat," he added.

“I have also initiated the volunteer fire-brigade with Arifuddin today,” commented Sim, indicating a need for more volunteer services in the community.

According to Chan Kim Beng from the Residents’Association of Bayan Baru, several notable people were present at the scene. Wong Mun Hoe, the BN coordinator for Pantai Jerejak, together with Tan Lai Theng and K.Sathiaselan; both chairman of the Bayan Baru division of MCA and MIC respectively.

Independent MP for Bayan Baru, Zahrain Mohd Hashim will visit the site tomorrow morning.

Ong Poh Siang resided in the squatter house together with his family. His father, daughter and son-in-law, Lim Seng Teong lived next door. Everyone except the elderly man was at work when the fire broke out. The elder Ong had shouted for help which caught the attention of his neighbour some ten minutes later. His daughters are Lake Koon, Lake Hoon and Lake Cheng.

Four fire engines arrived at the scene. However, only a small fire engine managed to squeeze through the narrow paths of the squatter area to the site. During which, the fire had already razed the whole house leaving behind only some walls.

The total amount of loss is not known yet.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Press Statement by Teng Hock Nan

Penang Gerakan chief Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan today slammed Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for his outburst against non-governmental organizations (NGOs) over the plastic bag ruling, saying Lim’s remarks were “unbecoming, petty and unwarranted.”

Dr Teng said Lim’s comments also contained elements of threat against NGOs and his unwillingness to accept differing views.

“It also reflects his dictatorial style of administration. He approves the ruling of plastic bag ban and must accept responsibility. Don’t pass the buck to the NGOs, if things are not going his way,” said Dr Teng in a statement.

Dr Teng said an NGO’S role is to provide views and options on the subjects they were set up and not to go around helping the government to implement policies.

On the use of plastic bags, Dr Teng said he agreed that there should not be an over-use but any action to ban the usage completely, especially when it could cause inconveniences, loss of income and affect the state’s economy, must be properly studied.

“We must always consider the views and plight of all interested parties including hawkers, petty traders, the lower-income group and plastic manufacturers,” he added.

On Tuesday, Lim hit out at NGOs for deserting the state when its no free plastic bag ruling came under fire.

“I am disappointed that they have not come out in full support of the ruling which they were pushing for,” he said, also describing NGOs as pandai cakap (good at talking). The ruling will come into effect daily from Jan 1.

Penang Gerakan State Chairman
Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Press Statement by Baljit Singh

Be realistic and stop playing politic

Penang Gerakan does not support nor condone the plans of the Malaysian
Historical Society (Kedah) to seek the return of Penang to Kedah.

Penang is a State of its own within the Federation of Malaysia. The society’s
plans are not realistic and may open a “Pandora Box”. It may also give rise
to other claims including Thailand claim over several states in Malaysia.

The society’s action is neither realistic nor accepted by Malaysian
especially Penangites. It is also alarming that the Pakatan Rakyat state
government in Kedah have actually admitted writing the letter to the
Federal Government.

The question now is whether Penang chief minister knew about it and
whether he also supported it. It would not be surprising that Lim Guan Eng
would now claim that he has no knowledge about the letter and act like
a “hero” rejecting the society call.

Let’s watch another plot unfold.

Baljit Singh
Legal and Human Rights Bureau Chief
Penang Gerakan

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Statement by Sim Tze Tzin

Kenyataan Ketua Cabang Bayan Baru YB Sim Tze Tzin berkenaan kenyataan Zahrain.

1hb December 2010

Parti Keadilan Rakyat Cabang Bayan Baru berasa kesal ke atas kenyataan Dato Seri Zahrain yang mendesak pingat Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan Dato Seri Dr Wan Azizah ditarik balik.

KEADILAN Bayan Baru berpendapat bahawa ini adalah politik murahan Zahrain yang sekarang ini menjadi pencacai UMNO dan Barisan Nasional. Beliaulah pengkhianat besar dalam sejarah politik Malaysia.

Beliau mengkhianati mandat rakyat yang diberikan kepada beliau sebagai ahli Parlimen KEADILAN dengan melompat keluar parti. Beliau mengkhianati prinsip perjuangan KEADILAN yang memperjuangkan politik pelbagai kaum dan keadilan untuk semua. Beliau mengkhianati rakyat kerana tidak lagi bekerja untuk kawasan Bayan Baru tetapi lebih ghairah mengikut Dato Seri Najib ke Amerika Syarikat. Beliau mengkhianati pingat “Dato Seri” yang dianugerahkan oleh kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat yang berprinsipkan politik pelbagai kaum.

Kalau ingin dipertikaikan kelayakan penerimaan pingat, Zahrain harus dilucutkan pingat beliau terdahulu.

KEADILAN Bayan Baru walau bagaimanapun tidak ingin memperlekehkan isu pingat. Pingat penghargaan adalah hak dan kuasa Raja-Raja serta Yang Dipertua – Yang Dipertua Negeri.

KEADILAN Bayan Baru ingin mengingatkan semua pemimpin UMNO-Barisan Nasional dan juga Zahrain jangan memainkan sentimen perkauman sempit. Jangan jadi jaguh kampung melaung-laungkan sentimen perkauman tetapi menggadaikan negara.

KEADILAN memperjuangkan prinsip “Ketuanan Rakyat” dan Keadilan untuk Semua. “Ketuanan Melayu” adalah slogan yang digunakan oleh sekumpulan kecil elit Melayu yang berkuasa untuk memperdayakan orang Melayu yang ramai, demi kepentingan diri sendiri. Mereka adalah pimpinan UMNO yang melakukan rasuah, korup, pecah amanah dan pelbagai kebejatan lagi.

Selama 53 tahun mereka berkuasa, nasib kelompok ramai Melayu, Bumiputra Sabah dan Sarawak, India, Orang Asli dan Cina masih tetap terabai. Pakatan Rakyat akan terus berjuang membela nasib semua rakyat Malaysia yang terpinggir bukan pembesar-pembesar UMNO-BN.

Zahrain harus bertaubat. Kalau beliau betul-betul memperjuangkan hak Melayu, mengapa pula lompat parti akibat tidak dapat kontrak, sedangkan ramai lagi rakyat yang susah di kawasan Parlimen Bayan Baru? Apakah program dan khidmat yang beliau lakukan kepada rakyat sejak menjadi ahli Parlimen?

YB Sim Tze Tzin

Ketua Cabang Bayan Baru, Parti KEADILAN

Keputusan Rasmi Pemilihan Majlis Pimpinan Pusat


Wan Azizah Binti Wan Ismail (19,543)

Naib Presiden

Nurul Izzah Anwar (13,211)
Tian Chua (11,744)
Fuziah Salleh (8,927)
Mansor B. Hj Othman (8,576)

Ahli Majlis Pimpinan

Elizabeth Wong (10,897)
Badrul Amin (9,672)
Hee Loy Sian (8,473)
Khalid Jaafar (7,889)
Johari Abdul (7,719)
Abd Rahman Yusof (7,719)
Haniza Talha (7,588)
Fariz Musa (7,511)
Zakaria Abdul Hamid (7,170)
Roland Chia Ming Shen (7,095)
Siti Aishah (6,876)
Ismail Yusop (6,332)
Latheefa Koya (6,242)
Kesavan Subramaniam(6,139)
Shuhaimi Haji Shafiei (6,095)
M.R. Summugam (5,964)
Yusmadi Yusoff (5,810)
S. Manikumar (5,789)
Mustafa Kamal Yusoff (5,745)
Christina Liew (5,707)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Team Rakyat cries foul

Disgruntled members from the PKR Bayan Baru division are crying foul over the election results which revealed a resounding victory and a clear mandate for Sim Tze Tzin, the current state assemblyman for Pantai Jerejak. Sim garnered 499 votes and a landslide majority of 234 votes.

M.Ngnana Sagaran who lost to Sim was clearly disappointed by the results but nevertheless exhibited good sportsmanship in the spirit of healthy competition and as a PKR team member. Both posed for pictures for the press after the announcement of the results last Saturday.

However, less than 24 hours after the election and citing bias within the Election Committee, Operations Manager for Team Rakyat, Anuar Ismail announced that their team does not accept the results and the whole election process. He felt that the election process had been compromised.

“We do not accept the results and the whole process; and will lodge a police report over this”, Anuar conveyed, stressing his dissatisfaction over the results. “We also intend to collect a vote of no confidence against Sim”, he said, indicating a total of between one to two thousand signatures.

The Bayan Baru division has a total of 5495 members. According to statistics, 52% are Indian, 23% Chinese and 15% Malays. M.Ngnana Sagaran had brought in about 3500 members.

An observer who was present at the election, insisted that the majority of the voters who turned up were Indians; and that it had seemed strange that M.Ngnana Sagaran only secured 265 votes. He added that although many voters turned up, the total voter’s count was only 785. There were 21 spoilt votes.

Further allegations were made regarding the 30 minutes break time before the counting of votes. It is also alleged that pro-Sim election workers were involved in the distribution of ballot forms; handling the collection of payment from members; and also guiding the voters to wrongly vote for Sim.

Ex-division deputy chairman, Tan Seng Keat attributed the accusations as being `portrayals of a sore loser’.

“Sim won the contest fairly. Both Sim and M.Ngnana Segaran were in the hall when the Election Committee locked up the hall to rest”, Tan exclaimed, putting at least speculations to rest.

Bukit Gelugor: Lawyer vs lawyer

The might of one lawyer pitting against another lawyer might seem gargantuan to the public; although it is but child’s play to both Lim Boo Chang and Raveentharan, both PKR nominees for the head of division in the Bukit Gelugor constituency.

To date, Lim has sent Raveentharan four different notices claiming defamation in retaliation to police reports made with regards to an incident which occurred early Saturday morning, on the 2nd day of Raya at Sungai Dua, Penang. Guang Ming, a Chinese daily is also recipient to a notice of demand for allegedly publishing defamatory statements about Lim.

While Lim resorted to legal means, Raveetharan sought police intervention.

2nd day of Raya

Escalating tension and provocation by some Malay youths led to a gang fight which resulted in bodily injuries, four burnt motorcycles and the destruction of a recently erected hut that cost about 14K.

According to Mahindren A/L Muniandy, the Raya open house was organized by some Indian Muslim youths at the JKKK hall in Hamna. Lim and his wife attended the function together but left at around 9.30pm.

“The Malay youths threw taunts at us. However, I was not around to break the fight as I was already in police custody”, Mahindren lamented; while the big fight broke out at around 1am. Mahindren is a prospective candidate contesting to be a committee member in the division.

On the other hand, Raveentharan lodged a police report based on how he was being informed of the incident. Although privileged and confidential, Lim managed to lay hands on the police report and in turn filed a notice of defamation against Raveentharan.

“He had accused me of being drunk, and claimed that when the police arrived, alcoholic drinks and gambling apparatuses were found in the premises. I had left earlier and do not know anything about it”, emphasized Lim.

Although Raveentharan has instructed his lawyers to reply to Lim’s notices, he retorted that he was not affected in any way.

“These notices are going to end up in the rubbish bin”, he said nonchalantly.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Undercurrent in PKR Bayan Baru

Zahrain Mohd. Hashim may have quit Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) but his influence still runs deep and wide within the party. As an Independent Member of Parliament for Bayan Baru, he allegedly has a vested interest in the ongoing PKR party elections especially in the Bayan Baru and Bukit Gelugor divisions.

Jurinah bt. Hassan, a contestant from Bukit Gelugor was allegedly asked to withdraw from contesting in the PKR election, and subsequently to resign from PKR altogether. She was branded as a traitor to Zahrain by Ismail Ali, personal assistant of Zahrain.

The Bayan Baru division election is touted to be the second most important division election after Permatang Pauh. During the 2008 General Elections, PKR Bayan Baru had won all three state seats and one parliamentary seat it contested.

Jurinah the traitor?

Jurinah, or Kak Inah, is also the chairperson of Single Mother’s Association of Daerah Timur Laut, Penang. According to her, she had bumped into Jamil Mohd. Nor and his wife Fauziah Mahadi at Rope Walk while having breakfast one morning. She said that Jamil had asked her to contact Zahrain if she needed financial assistance to aid the Single Mother’s Association.

“I spoke to Zahrain on the understanding that this contribution was for the Single Mother’s Association and has nothing to do with politics. We accepted the donation in the capacity of the association and had used the association’s letterhead for all communications”, claimed Jurinah.

Upon her announcement to rally behind Raveentharan, she received an sms from Ismail Ali accusing her as a traitor and threatening her to expose her pictures taken with Zahrain during the presentation of gifts to the single mothers.

She also claimed that Ismail asked her ‘kenapa nak sokong orang India itu?’ (translated as: why would you want to support that Indian?).

However, Jurinah reaffirms her loyalty to PKR and Raveentharan.

“They can publish the pictures if they want to. I will not back out and will not withdraw”, she said with conviction.

Bukit Gelugor division

Incumbent for head of Bukit Gelugor division is Raveentharan A/L V.Subramaniam. His lineup for the party election includes Johan Johari as deputy chairman; Cheah Peng Guan as vice chairman; Muhammed Annaruddin bin Akbar Ali as youth chief; and Jurinah binti Hassan as women’s chief.

Lim Boo Chang spearheads the other team with Roslan bin Ramansiah as deputy chairman; and Asokan A/L Kannan as vice chairman. Other names have not been announced.

“Birds of a feather flock together”, said Raveentharan. “However, we will not give up without a fight”, he continued.

To date, Raveentharan has received several notices of defamation from Lim. This is with regards to a police report which was made against Lim in reference to a Raya open house gang fight which broke out at Hamna, Sg. Dua. Police were there to ease the tension by firing a warning shot. It is claimed that playing cards and some beer bottles were found in the premises.

Bayan Baru division

Two opposing teams will be contesting to head the Bayan Baru division this Saturday at the Silver Jubilee hall in Sungai Dua. `Team Reformis’ is headed by Sim Tze Tzin; and `Team Rakyat’ by M.Ngnana Sagaran.

Sim Tze Tzin, has a clean record and is a tested candidate; and currently the state assemblyman for Pantai Jerejak. His line-up includes Hj Mohd Rashid Hasnon as his deputy chairman; Zainuddin Hanif as his vice chairman; Azriral Tahir as youth chief; and Kak Pah as women’s chief.

M.Ngnana Sagaran on the other hand was initially from MIC then hopped to Gerakan, and then hopped back to MIC. His last held position was as the division head of MIC Bayan Baru. After the 12th general election, he again hopped over, this time to PKR Bayan Baru division and was appointed by Zahrain to be the vice-chairman for the division and also the assistant state secretary. His line-up includes Sallehuddin bin PDK Abdullah for deputy chairman; Swee Tuck Wah for vice chairman ; Hazril bin Hassan as youth chief; and Safinas binti Salleh as women’s chief. Seven of his committee members are ex-MIC members.

Sources from the Bayan Baru division office reveal that M.Ngnana Sagaran, Anuar Ismail amd Jamil Mohd. Nor frequently meet up with Ismail Ali at the Bayan Baru Old Town Café. Ismail Ali is the special assistant to Zahrain. Anuar Ismail will be contesting as a committee member in M.Ngnana Sagaran’s camp; whereas Jamil, frequently known as JJ6 (Jamil Jari 6) mediates between parties.

In the run-up to the division election day which is just two days away, this heated contest is worrying to Sim as M.Ngnana Sagaran may have the upper hand considering that he has managed to register 3500 Indians as PKR Bayan Baru member since joining in 2008.

“We may lose by between 50-100 votes if party members do not fully come out to support us”, quipped Sim Tze Tzin.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Palestine leader thanks Malaysian aid

Hamas senior political leader Ismail Haniyeh recently praised Malaysian delegations that had made trips to Gaza in order to provide medical and utility relief.

Haniyeh thanked the delegation and also Malaysians who have donated without any prejudice to help the beleaguered state’s plight.

Two different delegations had left Malaysia for the Gaza strip during this Ramadan month, with the first of them making a safe return on August 20.

The delegation of 44 people was dubbed ‘Ramadan March for Freedom’, and was headed by PKR Central Committee representative Ustaz Badrulamin, in co-organization with Majlis Perundingan Pertubuhan Islam Malaysia (MAPPIM).

The second delegation of 67 people, sponsored by the Putera 1Malaysia club, arrived in Gaza on August 12, where they had also met Haniyeh, who is one of the two disputed Prime Ministers for Palestine.

While the Freedom March delegation went to deliver donations offered to Gaza by Malaysians and also to survey the aid of further developments, the Putera 1 Malaysia delegation, which consisted of 39 doctors, concentrated on providing medical relief.

MAPPIM chairman Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid said that based on the observations by the delegation, few suggestions will be dished out to the Malaysian government to help with the rebuilding process in Gaza, among them being a hospital, a university and a mosque.

The two delegations managed to make it safely to the troubled state after Egypt opened its Rafah border in the wake of Israel’s recent attacks on boats transporting aids to Gaza.

Namawee investigated under Sedition Act

Wee Meng Chee, popularly known as Namawee will be investigated under the Sedition Act.

“Three police cars finally came to my Muar home to arrest me. This happened 15 minutes before our 53rd National Day Celebration, Yes, I'm still here but for how long more, I don't know ... my beloved Malaysia, where is our justice system?!”, reads a posting in his Facebook page.

The 27 year old rapper was not at home when police arrived at his house. However, he will be investigated for sedition due to a video he uploaded onto Youtube for allegedly stoking racial tension. If convicted, Wee faces up to three years of imprisonment.

The video entitled ‘Nah’, which is a slang word for ‘no’, used strong obscene language to refer to an incident where a Johor headmistress, Siti Inshah Mansor asked Chinese students to return to China; and made references to the Hindu's prayer strings as dog leashes during school assembly, which irked the non-Muslims.

In Namawee’s official blog, there was an entry which explained the expletives he used.

“I have used obscene language blatantly as a form of communication in some of my videos but that does not mean I am not educated or that I have committed a serious crime. Vulgar content was chosen only with the objective of bringing forward my point of view (and the view of many people) with more impact”, he said.

In 2007, Namawee made headlines with another of his video posting 'Negarakuku' which was regarded as a mockery to the national anthem. In the video, Wee touched on issues like corruption. He made a public apology and the matter was laid to rest.